Japan Paves the Way for E-sports with New Gaming Pro Licenses

Big news for the e-sports industry in Japan has come forward with the recent announcement that official 'Pro Licenses' are being issues from next year. Japan has in the past prevented their really strong players from making a career out of their talent due to strict gambling laws but this new initiative will seperate these "Pros" from the general public. With this news in mind, the upcoming Game Party Japan 2018 tournament (Togaiki) comes as the country's first opportunity to grant legal prize money to these professional gamers in the upcoming Tekken 7 tournament on February 10~11, 2018. Bandai Namco have currently been running their Japan Regionals competition starting with online qualifiers from this month which is leading into their finals play off in January 14 with top 3 finishers from there being granted an appearance in the GPJ 2018 tournament. There's a lot more to this to go on as the new year approaches but for now, you can read the details on these developments and the Bandai Namco support source from the Tekken 7 website:
Bandai Namco Official Tournament ≫ http://www.tk7.tekken-official.jp/special/?tab=0