King Of Iron Fist 2015 - Osaka Challenge niconico Live Stream

The Osaka qualifiers for Bandai Namco's big King Of Iron Fist tournament on December this year will be taking place this Saturday in Japan. As such, a niconico live stream is being prepared for this qualifier allowing everyone the chance to watch. The winner of the female division in this qualifier will move on to the event's Grand Final alongside the already qualified: Nobi and AO. The winning teams of the 3on3 student and 3on3 'for anybody' divisions will also move onto the event's Japan round qualifier which is the event's 2nd phase qualifiers for male players. Hameko will be providing commentary on the niconico live stream here:
niconico Stream URL ≫
(^^ The webpage will automatically adjust to your time zone and tell you how long until it goes live)