Large-scale update for Arcade Tekken 7 Fated Retribution Round 2 launches June 23

Season 3 content of Tekken 7 is making its way to the arcades on June 23, according to the latest notice on the official Tekken news page. The 'large-scale' update includes 4 new playable characters, a new stage addition and a list of balance adjustments which will presumably catch the arcades up with the console/PC release of Tekken 7. The guest character Negan from Season 2 is missing from this announcement so it looks like he still won't be making his way over anytime soon. T7FR Round 2 is currently operating in Japan with restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic in public places slowly easing so more people will have the opportunity to safely come out from lockdown and play Tekken again in the arcades eventually. Of course when that time comes, do practice your due diligence in protecting yourself from the virus. Namco Sugamo in particular have installed distancing screens on arcade cabinets as a cautionery measure. Full details on the update is expected to arrive later this month as we get closer to the launch date:
Large scale T7FR-R2 Launch Date Notice ≫