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Entries in online (42)


Famitsu Scans of Tekken 7's Characters & Gameplay Modes

The latest Famitsu scans are out and there's some pretty interesting images from the Tekken 7 scoop. It's a special 16 page feature that details the game's upcoming story mode, character backgrounds and in game modes that are coming to the game when it launches on June 2nd. A special thanks goes out to @Tokunyu999 for providing the images!

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Tekken Revolution (PS3) Is Coming To An End On March 21, 2017

The free to play Tekken game that was announced back in E3 of 2013 and released on the same month on Playstation 3 has now announced that it is closing down game service and support. The announcement comes from an in-game notice that displays when you boot into the game and Twitter user CensedSonic has posted up an image of the notice. Starting from January 21st, 2017 Tekken Revolution and all related downloadable content for the game will be delisted from the Playstation Stores. The servers will still be up and running for players that own the game prior to the delisting until the later date of March 21, 2017 which will be the date when the game will fully be shut down.

Tweet ≫

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Console / PC Versions of Tekken 7 is Getting An Online Tournament Mode

[Update] Hi-res images of the Online Tournament mode have now been added.

Also unveiled during the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2016 Tekken stream is news that the Console / PC version of Tekken 7 will have an online tournament mode. This mode will allow players to set up and play each other online (Max of 8 players total per tournament) with a format used in actual offline tournaments. It supports single & double elimination brackets and includes player spectating and voice chat. In game prizes can also be allocated to the winners of the tournament with stuff like gold and items. Here are the images provided from the stream:

Tekken stream ≫

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Tekken 7 FR - Arcade Online Update 'Version H' Balance Changelist 

Announced on Tekken-Official is 'Version H' for Tekken 7 Fated Retribution in arcades in Japan and Korea. This update is smaller then the previous ones so extensive character balance changes weren't made but this version still has some adjustments to make since this version will be the one used in the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 2016 Grand Finals. For the sake of keeping up with all the versions, the last known version of the game was Version D that came in with Master Raven. This new arcade update is skipping Version E, F & G which is not publicly known. It's a minor note though. For those competing in the Global finals for the King Of Iron Fist 2016 next month in December, here are all the changes coming with Tekken 7 Fated Retribution Version H. Version H will go live in arcades on November 29.

Tekken-Official Version H ≫

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T7FR 8/28 - Buts (Hwoarang) VS Gen (Bob) Deathmatch 

Japan's best Hwoarang going up against a young Tekken playing prodigy that got 2nd place at EVO 2014. A vicious dismantling occurs inside. Once again, big thanks goes to Shudy for always providing videos and streaming from the Japanese Namco Sugamo arcade, you can check out his channel here:

Shudy (Namco Sugamo) ≫

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