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Entries in online (42)


Tekken 7 FR Arcade Online Update 'Version N' Balance Changelist

Tekken 7 Fated Retribution is updating to Version N later today in Japan & Korea and with it comes various character balance changes. The changelist was leaked online prior to the official reveal but here is a translation of the list which includes changes to Hwoarang, Xiaoyu, Jack, Bryan, Lili, Lee, Gigas, Leo, Lucky Chloe, Kazumi, Master Raven, Eddy, Nina & Eliza. Reading the list, it sounds like most of the changes made to the game were either bug fixes or adjustments to help consistency so it's not too severe of an overall meta shifting balance adjustment. You can find the full list of changes in English below.

Tekken-Official Version N ≫

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PS4 Tekken 7 Version 1.05 Update Adds DLC Pack 1 Content & Further Online Adjustments

Yes, you can finally finish an online tournament in Tekken 7 without the entire thing being disbanded because the tournament host has rage quit. Tekken 7 PS4 Update number 1.05 is now available for download and should be soon-ish for Xbox One and Steam so download it to get the online match making adjustments as well as the support for the upcoming Ultimate Tekken Bowl Mode & Additional Costumes DLC coming to people who have purchased the Deluxe Edition of the game or the Season Pass. Details on the update are provided in full by Harada over on his twitter and the Update History screen on the PlayStation Network.

Harada tweet ≫

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T7 Online Ranked Matches - Japan's Highest Ranked Lee Player VS Knee & Ji3MoonAce

If you have ever been following the Japanese Tekken scene for the past few games, the name Hari (はりー) might be familiar. He's a notable Lee player who is at this point in time, currently Japan's highest ranked Lee player in arcades. He was also a really high ranker back in Tekken 6 and Tekken Tag 2 arcades so he knows his way around using Lee. Recently, Hari has been recording his matches online in Tekken 7 and uploaded footage of him deathmatching Korean players; Knee and Ji3MoonAce. These matches make for a good watch despite the online Japan to Korea connection so take note if you're interested in playing Lee. His matches with Knee & Ji3MoonAce can be found below but, you can find even more of his online adventures over on this Youtube channel:

幅浩太郎 ≫

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Registration Opens for the Tekken World Tour's Online Tournaments

The previously delayed Tekken World Tour Online qualifiers have now emerged with new details & rulesets for the upcoming tournaments. The TWT will now allow players to participate in the tour with online tournaments taking place in Europe, North America, South East Asia, East Asia & Australia. If you're a pro at Tekken online, come forward and sign up for your nearest online qualifier and hopefully make it out there on the Tekken World Tour. Check out all the details and registration pages for the TWT Online Tournaments over on the website:

TEKKEN World Tour Online Tournaments ≫

TWT Online Registration Page ≫


Notice Regarding Tekken 7 Matchmaking Issues

A notice for the Tekken 7 Match Making issues has appeared on the European Tekken website. This is in regarding all the issues which seem to be prevalent on the PlayStation 4 versions of Tekken 7 in which players are having difficulty matching up with other players. The notice gives everyone a heads up that they are working on fixing these issues and that they also plan to no longer show which characters are being used during the Rank Match match making. No details on when the update will be out but we'll keep you posted if we hear more. Stay tuned to the Tekken website for more news on it in the future.

EU Tekken Notice ≫!/en/news/regarding-tekken-7-online-matching-functionality

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