Avoiding the Puddle Episode 18 featuring LingMassacre
Aris ON
Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 3:53PM

In this episode I catch up with LingMassacre. I highly recommend listening to the discussion towards the end of the interview with him because we get into some interesting philosophical topics. But before that, MYK and I discuss how the new trend of comeback mechanics in fighting games may be resulting in an angrier fighting game player. Is trash talk combined with X-Factor a recipe for disaster?
If you have any suggestions feel free to leave comments or contact us at
MP3 - 01:15:17 - 69 MB
Reader Comments (95)
At least Darth Vader isn't walking around cappin' fools anymore.
For the non-informed viewers, the object that is sitting on my head is a flat brimmed hat and peyos. It is the traditional garb of an orthodox Hasidic Jew.
*uninformed. Jesus my english is bad.
SHALOM Lingmassacre!
Really good podcast guys. I love me some LM!
Shalom Yiggs!
I feel I should clarify what I meant as Steve being a good block punish character. Because I know someone is going to come in here and say,"BUT STEVE CAN'T LAUNCH PUNISH -15!!" To which I will respond...,"so?"
Love you to shnookums
Listening on the bus.
Use b+4 against ling. Uf+2 as well. Thank later
Good shit.
I think the important distinction about the new comeback mechanics coming out in these games is not necessarily because the developers are trying to make it look exciting and manufacture comeback, but rather to entice new players to the game and make it feel as if they can compete with established players and have fun. Honestly I think, this is unnecessary bullshit. I don't want fighters too become popular if the result is they are going to dumb down everything and reward getting your ass kicked just to cater to the whiny ass scrubs..
Nice podcast. At MLG Dallas me and Aris were standing next to eachother and hearing roars of 'Oooooohs!' from the Smash Bros. That hadn't occurred once in the Tekken area. I remember one of us saying how rage has taken the drama out of the comeback, so glad to hear Aris touch on that cause its something I feel strongly about as well.
Lingmassacre, who are you?
I'm the guy who has been playing since tag. Who are you?
LOL @ LM bringing up LOC as a suggestion for a Feng player to talk to. Everyone knows Geesemaster is the guy to have on a podcast if you want to talk to a Feng player!
LingMassacre episode is my best episode of atp i think, awesome potcast
I'm the guy who's been winning since tag.
Awesome podcast. LM basically voiced out my opinions about the "art of tekken". Respect.
u u/f+4 is not how you couch cancel Lee's knee from FC. That meathod is waaaay too slow and obvious. My technique is unique.
i <3 slips
i hate slips
Shoutouts to STL crew, you guys are hemma great.
what is the comparison of the character's Ling and Feng? To me, both seem to be both evasive pokers, average juggle damage, excellent oki characters. what separates them?
excellent podcast, incredibly thought provoking, and quite relevant for me seeing as how i cannot decide on whether to pick up ling or feng, perhaps i could be enlightened?
Good job keeping the podcast going =)
Angry gamers in a competetive scene makes for more hype! Maybe rage could be nerfed abit though, to balance it out.
I know its another game, but this really motivates me to keep rolling the tekken scene on:
Just look at what tekkenlondon is doing now, and how fighting games have become more popular lately. Lets keep it up, because we really need more e-sports, especially in form of tekken :P
Within the year I am personally going to put together a big local tournament trying to get my area in Norway to get more e-sport hype. I hope you guys keep on with making videos, podcasts, level up your game, tournaments etc. Lets do this!