08/15/2016 - Headline News

Both Summer Jam X and Gamescom is on this weekend.

Both Summer Jam X and Gamescom is on this weekend.
Taking place this weekend in St. Charles Illinois is Combo Breaker 2016. A notable fighting game event in the Midwest which recently announced over 1000 participants scattered across over 20 games. For the Tekken series, it's part of the Tekken Tour with a Tekken 7 tournament, Tekken 7 Fated Retribution is available to playtest, a Tekken (3) Ball tournament is being organised and finally a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 side tournament. Schedule, pools, live stream info and more are now up and available for viewing. Don't miss out of any of the Tekken action this weekend!
Combo Breaker ≫ https://combobreaker.org/
TEKKEN Twitch stream ≫ https://www.twitch.tv/tekken
TTT2 side tournament stream ≫ https://www.twitch.tv/panchon2
Schedule (acekingoffsuit) ≫ https://twitter.com/acekingoffsuit/status/735628303810351104
I get to be kinda lazy this time thanks to a certain post on r/Kappa. Just to briefly describe, Ozhadou Nationals 13 is the latest in Australia's longest running fighting game tournaments in the country that is held in the city of Sydney. This year, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 returns as a sort of last 'hurrah' for the game at the event and some of the best players in the country are competing. That, and there's also the usual stuff like UMVC3, SFV, MKX etc to watch at the event.
OzHadou Nationals 13:
"Tekken World" is a yearly Spanish Tekken tournament with the latest being held this weekend and it's actually Spain's largest Tekken tournament I believe. For this year, JDCR has been invited along to the event and will be interesting to see how he stacks up against the Spanish.
UPDATE: TTT2 is not being streamed at all due to the low amount of entrants. Fighting GM won TTT2 with the runner-up being Bloodhawk.
East Coast Throwdown will be happening this weekend and it includes Tekken Tag Tournament 2 in the game lineups. The website for the tournament lists all 23 pre-registered entrants and the stream schedule for all the games. TTT2 will be streamed at 3:00 PM EDT (12PM PDT) on Sunday by Deadly_Bison's Twitch TV channel.
NWM 6 is Seattle’s next big fighting game tournament and has somehow managed to get Jimmy and Bronson to travel for it. They’re not the only out of state competitors coming though, Just Frame James and Inkognito are also coming to the event as detailed and introduced on the tournament’s website. More details and registration on the event can be found on the website and I’m assuming that the tournament is going to be streamed on TeamKhaos’ Twitch channel.