T7FR - Knee (Akuma) VS JDCR (Kazuya) Mighty Ruler Match
BY Wonkey ON Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:24AM
Check it out, a Korean Rank Match video between Knee and Echo Fox's JDCR is up on Knee's YouTube channel. These two are world class Tekken players and it's not often that you get the chance to see them go against each other making this a rare sight. If you're from Street Fighter and know a bit about Akuma going into Tekken 7 on consoles, this makes for a good Akuma reference in 3D. The video spans around half an hour and can be watched over on Knee's YouTube channel.
Tekken Knee ≫
▌T7FR - Knee vs JDCR
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tagged Korea, Video, arcade, jdcr, knee, rank match, tekken, tekken 7, tekken 7 fated retribution in Tekken 7, Tekken 7 Fated Retribution, Video, strategy, tekken
Reader Comments (2)
parnkeele e3d3fd1842
parnkeele e3d3fd1842