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Akuma Currently Has the Largest Pool of Higher Ranked Players in Japan

Tekken 7 Fated Retribution has now been out for roughly 2 months and the data on how well certain players and their characters are piling in on Tekken-net to review. The most interesting piece of info I'm taking away from is the amount of high ranked Japanese players for each character. This I feel gives a good idea on not only who is succeeding well in Tekken, but which character as well. If you're not aware, Tekken 7 uses a ranking system that goes from Beginners into the Dans and from there it goes into a series of ranks organised by their color scheme. It's not a 1:1 representation but I would say, a player that got to the red ranks (Genbu, Byakko, Seiryu & Suzaku) in Tekken 7 is roughly the equivalent of a Street Fighter player getting something like Platinum rank in SFV. With all that said, here is all the data I compiled from Tekken-net.

Dan Ranks (Tekken 7.0) ≫

Tekken-net JP (Tekken 7.0) ≫

Tekken-net JP (Tekken 7 Fated Retribution) ≫


▌Tekken 7 Fated Retribution Red Ranked Player Pool (August 31)
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The total number of players in Japan to get into the Red ranks or higher in T7FR: 640 players.

1: Akuma ------ 65 players (10.2%)
2: Bryan ------- 40 players (6.3%)
2: King --------- 40 players (6.3%)
4: Steve ------- 37 players (5.8%)
5: Feng -------- 33 players (5.2%)
6: Kazuya ----- 26 players (4.1%)
6: Paul --------- 26 players (4.1%)
8: Alisa --------- 25 players (3.9%)
9: Nina --------- 23 players (3.6%)
9: Claudio ----- 23 players (3.6%)
9: JACK-7 ------ 23 players (3.6%)
12: Xiaoyu ----  22 players (3.4%)
13: Dragunov -- 19 players (3%)
13: Bob --------- 19 players (3%)
15: Heihachi --- 18 players (2.8%)
15: Hwoarang - 18 players (2.8%)
15: Leo --------- 18 players (2.8%)
18: Lars -------- 17 players (2.7%)
19: Law -------- 15 players (2.3%)
19: Shaheen -- 15 players (2.3%)
19: Lili ---------- 15 players (2.3%)
22: Katarina -- 14 players (2.2%)
23: Jin ---------- 13 players (2%)
23: Devil Jin --- 13 players (2%)
25: Lucky Chloe - 12 players (1.9%)
26: Gigas ------- 11 players (1.7%)
26: Yoshimitsu - 11 players (1.7%)
26: Asuka ------- 11 players (1.7%)
29: Kazumi ------ 9 players (1.4%)
29: Josie --------- 9 players (1.4%)


▌Tekken 7.0 Ruler Ranked Player Pool (August 31)
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For comparison, a list of players that are in the Purple Ruler ranks and higher back in Tekken 7.0. (Vanilla)

(T7FR is red ranks because the game hasn't been out as long as the vanilla version. When given the time, all of those players may eventually rank up to purple ranks in FR. I'd say the skill level is the same if not similiar though.)

Total numbers of players: 622 players.

1: Shaheen -- 63 players (10.1%)
2: Feng -------- 42 players (6.8%)
3: Claudio ----- 37 players (5.9%)
4: King --------- 35 players (5.6%)
5: Kazumi ------ 34 players (5.5%)
7: Paul --------- 28 players (4.5%)
7: Steve ------- 28 players (4.5%)
9: Devil Jin ---- 25 players (4.0%)
9: Katarina ---- 25 players (4.0%)
11: Dragunov -- 24 players (3.9%)
11: Bryan ------- 24 players (3.9%)
12: Lili ---------- 23 players (3.7%)
14: Hwoarang - 22 players (3.5%)
14: Kazuya ----- 22 players (3.5%)
15: Jin ---------- 21 players (3.4%)
16: Heihachi --- 20 players (3.2%)
17: Leo --------- 20 players (3.2%)
18: Josie --------- 18 players (2.9%)
19: Law -------- 16 players (2.6%)
20: Xiaoyu ----  15 players (2.4%)
23: Alisa --------- 14 players (2.3%)
23: Gigas ------- 14 players (2.3%)
23: Lars -------- 14 players (2.3%)
24: JACK-7 ------ 13 players (2.1%)
25: Lucky Chloe - 10 players (1.6%)
26: Asuka ------- 9 players (1.4%)
27: Yoshimitsu - 6 players (1.0%)


▌Extra: All Time Most Popular Characters in T7FR (August, 31)
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