TTT2 Side Tournament Being Organised at Evo 2015

While Tekken 7 is being featured as part of EVO 2015's main game line-up, there are still people playing TTT2 since it is still the latest Tekken game available to play for everybody. As such, TheGreatNeoX has announced that he'll be stepping forward to organise a side tournament for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on the Friday of Evo weekend (17th of July). This tournament will feature a top 8 pay-out as well as small 'Missions' to complete during the tournament that may also reward you for your efforts. So if you happen to be at Evo this year, why not try your luck? I also hear that certain players from Asia coming over may also be interested in participating so it can pose a fierce challenge for home turf. For full details on the TTT2 side tournament, you can read the full stickied thread on KTA or a C&P of the announcement below if you don't have a Facebook account.
TTT2 EVO 2015 Side Tournament ≫
▌TTT2 EVO 2015 Side Tournament
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*update! *
Tag 2 will be run on Friday in the BYOC room. Entry will be 15 dollars with payout to the top 8. Registration begins at 11a.m. Registration will close at 2:00p.m with the tournament starting promptly at 3:00p.m.
I also have a issue with setups! So first 7 people who can provide a full setup will get FREE entry. If you can provide one then shoot me a message on fb and I will get back to you.* Stay tuned for more updates!
Sup guys this is The Great One, and I and proud to announce that tag 2 will indeed be at Evo. The day will most be friday in the BYOC room. The time will be revealed at a later date but SOON! But this is not the Announcement that I have prepared for you guys the tekken community! I want this to be a unique tournament that will separate itself from ALL other tournaments you will see at EVO or have seen so I think its time to spice things up. Therefore, I would like to announce.....
Think of it as a incentive for doing well in the tournament. While in a tournament set there will be missions for the players in the tournament to try to achieve DURING matches for COLD HARD CASH!!!!! Can you style on your foe and land the first hit 9 rounds during the set? Can you get 2 perfects on one of the killers in the tournament? How about sending your fellow hometown friend home? GET PAID FOR THAT SHIT!!!!
How does it work?
There are several missions to be had during the tournament that will all pay you money. Each will have a rank from S to C class. Obviously the higher the class the more money you can get! You will receive your missions at random at MY discretion. However, there will be certain missions that are open at all times! *to be announced later* Please be advised that while there will be missions available to everyone in the tournament for COLD HARD CASH however, we will NOT enter SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT MISSION MODE!!!! until Top 16 when your chance to make some cash will be hella increased.
Want to make some extra dough? Better train up and make it to top 16! If there are any questions Please feel free to ask! I'm still working on a few things but this is the outline of it. So.... What do you guys think!?
▌日本語版 (要約)
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『EVO 2015 鉄拳TAG2 サイドトーナメント』
■ 日時: 2015年7月17日(金)
■ 受付開始: 11:00
■ 受付終了: 14:00
■ 試合開始: 15:00
■ 場所: EVO 2015 会場, BYOC エリア
■ タイトル: 鉄拳TAG2 (PS3版)
■ 参加費: $15 USD (おおよそ 1,800円 ?)
EVO2015 格ゲーチェッカー ≫
鉄拳TAG2サイドトーナメントの「ミッションモード」あります。 大会中にミッションを完了する、賞金を受け取ります。
TOP 16中に「超ミッションモード」で行くた、賞金増加します。

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