Jin Kazama Discovered as a Secret Sub Boss Character in Tekken 7!

UPDATE: Video footage of the Jin Kazama fight has now been added to this post!
Big thanks goes to Masakarijin for the discovery! The conditions to encounter Jin in the Tekken 7 arcade mode are currently unknown but according to Harada, they're really difficult/obscure conditions to satisfy to trigger Jin Kazama as a replacement boss for Stage 4 in the arcade mode. Going by that info, who knows what other character is secretly hiding within the game? More photos of the Jin Kazama encounter below!
▌Tekken 7 Jin Kazama Video
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MASTERCUP EC ≫ https://www.youtube.com/user/MASTERCUPOFFICIAL
鱒田斗耶麻 ≫ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYnUCQfE1dCdAcHFT4k_X4g/videos
▌Tekken 7 Jin Kazama
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Masakarijin's tweet ≫ https://twitter.com/masakarijin/status/581015623309795328
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ofarryen e3d3fd1842 http://carthage.club/cuemidpheci
ofarryen e3d3fd1842 http://carthage.club/cuemidpheci
ofarryen e3d3fd1842 http://carthage.club/cuemidpheci