Special Tekken 7 niconico Broadcast on March 29 Featuring Harada

On March 29 which is this Sunday, Bandai Namco will be holding an online Tekken 7 event which will be streamed on niconico. This broadcast will feature special guests: Katsuhiro harada, cosplayers Hinako Sano, Yuriko Tiger, Gen - The Japanese Bob/Leo player who got 2nd at EVO2014 and other secret guests not yet revealed. The online Tekken 7 event will give players the chance to earn a 'rare' Mokujin styled 'Player Plate' to use in-game on the loading screen should those players win in the event. This is also the broadcast/event that Harada mentioned on the previous ATP Live episode as having special announcements such as the next batch of time release characters coming to Tekken 7 so you wouldn't want to miss out on this. The niconico broadcast will be live on March 29 (Sunday) 2:30 PM Japan time. You can watch the broadcast with the link below.
niconico broadcast URL ≫ http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv214163464
Image: Mokujin styled Player plate.
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