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Lab Zero Games Looking for Help to get PS3 Controllers Working on PS4

With Tekken 7 being announced and a most likely PS4/XBone/PC release following the arcade release, there is the lingering problem of arcade sticks not working on future consoles. The difference with this generation is that Sony is allowing developers to design their own drivers for whatever peripheral they want supported for their game. Lab Zero Games have recently announced a PS4 version of Skull Girls releasing at the end of the year and are trying to find a way to get PS3 sticks working for any players migrating to the PS4 version. Considering the limited resources Lab Zero Games have in accomplishing this task it's looking unlikely it will come to fruition, but if this does work, Mike Z (lead programmer at Lab Zero) said he will license this driver for free to any other developer that wants PS3 sticks compatible with their game. Original link from Skullheart below.

Alrighty everyone, here's the deal.
There is this article which everyone interprets as "It's easy for devs to enable Dualshock 3s on PS4".
Though it phrases things nicely, what it actually means is "Devs can write their own USB drivers for unsupported USB peripherals on PS4". (I suspected that - if it was as easy as flipping a switch they would just have said "supported". Don't get mad at Sony, at least they give us the ability to try.)

Now I'm all for this, and their library looks similar to libusb, but I don't know anything about writing a driver or polling a device or anything, and it is not a trivial thing to do. Therefore, I'm looking for help!

If you are extremely competent / have written working drivers before, and you understand how the USB DualShock 3 driver for PC works, and you are interested in helping, post here or PM me. Preferably post here.
- We probably can't pay you because this wasn't in the budget.
- Even if you are NDA'd I doubt we can provide a devkit, so unless you live close to me a lot of this is going to be guess-and-check.
BUT, since we're Lab Zero and we're all about helping games be better:
- If the driver does get completed and function properly, we're willing to let other developers use it for free if they want it. So in essence, you're helping all future PS4 games if they have nice developers. (I doubt we can use an open-source driver because proprietary console code, etc, but we can license the end product for free.)

I don't have a whole lot of hope for this, but asking is better than not. :^)

Hope this raises awareness to get this feature up and running. This will definitely save players a lot of money if successfull. 

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Reader Comments (7)

Fuck SkullGirls, Fuck Lab Zero, Fuck Zone-Archive and Fuck 4chan, the reason people like this game is because they're weeabos wacking off or "fapping" as they say to Zone who was hired by the SkullGirls team because he makes goddamn flash porn animations of kids cartoons, it shows you how much they feel about their work.

They can freestyle my nutsack!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 11:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterYourCrushIsASlut

Any way I can upvote/like/give kudos to the first commenter or nah?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 12:19 PM | Unregistered Commenter+1

WOW way to support the fighting game scene dudes!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 12:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterComrade chef

I don't get this problem. Why the fuck does anyone want to play with PS3 controller on PS4? The PS4 controller is far better than PS3 controller in every way!

Also, regarding sticks, I'm pretty sure MadCatz will release PS4 Fighting sticks soon, if they already haven't.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 12:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterRandomTekkenFan

The motivation behind this is to have an option for people to use their PS3 sticks for PS4 rather than spending hundreds of dollars buying another stick with the exact same functionality.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 2:39 PM | Registered CommenterAAK

@Comrade chef

"way to support the fighting game scene"? This game doesn't even deserve to be in the fighting game scene, even Aris said Skullgirls only appeals to Zone Mongoloid Weeabos, BLBeel was on that show I think, I'm not gonna walk into some tournament full of 4faggots wanking off to the screen over some cartoon porno animator.

Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 6:52 AM | Unregistered CommenterMrTrololololol

Darlin', you had me at "flash porn animations". Marry me. Shoutouts to NoFunAllowed.

Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 2:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterMiga-Oh

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