Lab Zero Games Looking for Help to get PS3 Controllers Working on PS4

With Tekken 7 being announced and a most likely PS4/XBone/PC release following the arcade release, there is the lingering problem of arcade sticks not working on future consoles. The difference with this generation is that Sony is allowing developers to design their own drivers for whatever peripheral they want supported for their game. Lab Zero Games have recently announced a PS4 version of Skull Girls releasing at the end of the year and are trying to find a way to get their PS3 sticks working for any players migrating to the PS4 version. Considering the limited resources Lab Zero Games have in accomplishing this task it's looking unlikely it will come to fruition, but if this does work, Mike Z (lead programmer at Lab Zero) said he will license this driver for free to any other developer that wants PS3 sticks compatible with their game. Original link from Skullheart below.