New Character for TEKKEN 7 Revealed: Lucky Chloe
Wonkey ON
Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 9:05PM

Revealed from the recent 20th Anniversary niconico stream. New images of the character from Dengeki below.
▌Lucky Chloe
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Reader Comments (107)
I gotta see the gameplay of her again. I was too distracted by the way she looked to take it in. Any chance of a video soon?
lol wtf
I'm buying 7 copies of Tekken 7.
Honestly, I hope Aris embraces this character as his main. And I hope he uses her better than Kane (who we know has already masturbated to Chloe at least 3 times by now).
I... Hate absolutely everything about this.
This character looks stupid. I'm ready to face the truth, Tekken character designs are just garbage now. They've gone to shit since Tekken 5 starting with Lili, then they got even worse in 6 with nonsense like Lars and Alisa, and so far 7's characters look really terrible and out of place. Harada just keeps pandering with really ridiculous characters with the most random fighting styles ever.
Looking at Lucky, it looks like she has alot of moves for Eddy/Christie... and honestly, I'd rather have Christie than this chick.
At this rate Tekken is becoming the next DOA.
I agree withe everything you just said DarkDio.
Tekken used to be a badass fighter with character designs that match their style. To me the last great characters were from Tekken 6.0...minus Bob Lars would of been acceptable if they started him out with his new current design and made him a ninja but I digress. Tekken is becoming worse and worse in character designs. I hate that this Tekken is rapidly loosing my interest in the series...hoping they can somehow turn it around and be as badass Tekken 5 was...I can only Hope.
Seriously though Harada, you need to take the character designer or whomever the fuck greenlights these God awful characters and tell them to move on. Their services are no longer needed nor want. I really hated the character designs in T6, but this here is just on a completely different level. I mean, WHAT THE FUUUU-UUUCK???? I'm actually comtiplating playing SF5 instead of this. For real.
Here is the video guys
Lucky Chloe is perfect for me because she looks like she plays as a combo of ling, lili, and capos but I'm not enough of a scumbag to play those characters so I can play Lucky Chloe instead. Besides, when I win matches with her my opponents will be double pissed because she plays like those other scumbags AND she looks like a cat while doing it.
Haters gonna hate. The game has enough "serious" characters as is. At least it not another animal fighter. :p
Vomit inducing. I agree with new characters introduced in Tekken lately has gone to hell.
wtf is this sh*t?? since tekken 6 they couldn't create a good character, this is completely out of place. I absolutely hate the way they're moving. This is really annoying
New Tekken 7 trailer (NOT the Lucky Chloe trailer posted in the 10th comment)
Harada, you motherfucker...What the fuck is this shit? Zero for three so far on character designs.
Tekken Team can keep crapping out lame designs, but can we please have Law's mustache back?
I also think it's time the rest of Mishima's manned up and grew a beard, or at least some stubble. Heihachi can't be the only badass among them.
Damn Namco you copying DOA now? I can't believe how much this character looks like Marie Rose.
I'm still going to play this game because I will support the game I love but I have to agree with the majority of the comments that I haven't really understood Namco's character designs since T6.
This is a dumb design.
My god. If this was April I would think it was just a trolling joke. This is ridiculous.
Harada is clueless