SC5: Day One ZWEI Combos
Aris ON
Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 4:34PM

Some pretty crazy combos. Big thanks to xMasterLeex for the upload.
Some pretty crazy combos. Big thanks to xMasterLeex for the upload.
Reader Comments (7)
Whats with azns and their usage of german words o.O. It may sound cool to them, but so silly to us.
I see a relation to tekken, i.e. lee, combo zwei etc.
Btw whens this game out on consoles anyway ;o
Aris, dude, you've got to make a beginners guide to this game. I don't know shit about 3D fighting games, and I'm trired of losing to people mashing buttons.
Seems like the combos in SC5 use OTGs like in Ultimate Marvel 3. Different from Tekken that's for sure, where if they hit the ground, except in special situations like bound or after a wall splat, the combo is over.
Character looks gay as hell but fun to play.
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