SC5: Mitsurugi Combos From the Official Guide
Aris ON
Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:00AM

This is a one of many combo videos that will accompany the official Soul Calibur 5 guide by FuturePress.
Reader Comments (6)
Aris, if you're reading this, I'm curious. I know it's only been a couple of days, but are you liking SCV more than you liked SIV early after its release? I'd love to hear or read a review of the game from you at some point.
Future Press sent me that video directly to let people know about the guide for SCV. Below is more info.
Mitsurugi has always been the TRUTH since Soul Blade. Great Vid. Im loving this game so far.
A male character that is tournament worthy in Soul Calibur? Cool!
That guide is really awesome, one of the best FG strat guides in years, looks all nice and hardcover like the Mortal Kombat guide, but also delivers on the content, bigtime!! I am also really enjoying this game, I have used Tekken Yoshi since T2, so this shames me to say, but Yoshi is more complete in the Sould Calibur world. His stance transition options alone make him easily twice as good as he is in Tekken! Great online too, minimal lag matches and you can tell it's just people with bad connections.
They fucked Mitsurugi.