Cross Assault Coach Teaser Trailer
Aris ON
Monday, January 30, 2012 at 12:47PM

Who will coach their team to victory? You still have time to put together your audition video. Once you do, submit it by following the link below.
Below you can find my two favorite submissions.
Reader Comments (27)
Audition Aris... or get Rip to do it. You and tasty steve there would be gdlk.
I think Aris will really like Super Y4n's:
Donate all that money to an Arcade??? Damn that's passion.
Aris I think you forgot to put this video in there (now I understand)?
Aris beard in the end / yoshimitsu etc would mean he's a coach I guess. Well played Aris. Alex valle and Aris for coaches in b4 deduction.
00.20 Middlefinger cut out. Yoshimitsu (avoiding the puddle). In the end the black beard. Ryu = Valle and the hair in the end etc.
This show is going to be dope as fuck.
Some guy on you tube said he would fuck Marn to get Tasty Steve on the show. I would most definitely watch that to get Tasty Steve on the show. YESSSS! YESSSS! (」゚ペ)」
Wait... what? You want to watch Aris do what to Marn? That would be like two sealions rolling around in the sand with no sense of direction stop those thoughts at once young man or I'm removing your internet.
Aris I think your cool and all but you are a bitch ass shit eating pussy. You should not be a coach. They only let you be a coach because you sucked 2 dicks and got jizz in your beard.
The only person who is truly worthy of the title of Tekken coach would be none other then the original coach himself MR JOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really want the Tekken side to win this. No offense Tasty Steve this is just my list of players
I would want to have representing the Tekken side.
Coach: Harada (not serious...but how dope would that be!)
Tekken team for Cross Assault:
good luck Tekken side!
They want personalities. JustFrameJames is as charismatic as a dead bird.
Tekken Team:
Aris (coach)
Tasty Steve (Commentary and dynamic with Aris)
Perfect Legend (He HAS actually applied for the Tekken side go watch youtube)
Kayo Police (gdlk)
Kor (just to watch him tilt while loosing and go Zoolander)
MYK (tactician and to brings some class by not being an idiot, will probably adapt fast)
Pokchop (with Atlantacrew screaming all ghetto in the background) or Fab (cause he can actually play 2d also look at Marvel, generally speaking Aris if you want to win this you need players who show that they can play other games than JUST tekken or you'll get smoked)
Rip (afraid he will have a hard time adapting quickly but would be fun to watch, Esports and 'damn girl' all over the place)
Maybe a n00b guy / new one random for the american dream feeling of a shot
Maybe some old school legend returning as a surprise like filthy rich or markman or whoever
I personally think the Tekkenteam will get smoked as 3d players don't often transition well into a 2d setting from my experience (footsies takes time to develop and the entire mindset in general)
Oh yeah. Bronson Tran. Bronson would be gdlk.
I sincerely hope Cross Assault will be uncandid and uncensored.
Eww reality TV. I thought that "The Street Fighter" series with that guy in the white workshirt was OK at best, but I much prefer to watch streams. The thing is though, I am not much of a fan of any fighting game other than Tekken. Where is Tekken Crash? I miss it.
Daigo and justin on street fighter team nin and knee on tekken team
Mr Naps is also a 2d player and as such would be a boost to the team I guess. I can live with him looking like Shang Tsung (barely).
Wow!! That guy doing that last video was just godlike!! Is that audition for real or is he being sarcastic? Godlike!!!!!!!!
Check out my video and put a stand up comic on the show!!
This show is about getting charismatic people on the show who happen to play games. Like TV, they're trying to get lots of viewers. They will try to diversify the lineup of players.
Team Tekken:
Aris has to be a coach. He should be an automatic in if they haven't picked coaches already.
Bronson Tran - mad charismatic.
Steve - hella funny. him and Bronson together would cause a riot!
Naps - good 2D skills (but he doesn't talk much so).
Porkchop - I think he plays 2D, but his shit talking would be dope too.
I'm quite sure there will be a female on each squad, it only makes sense. Also, I think they can't all be from WC (unless other regions don't petition). Gotta diversify from different areas of the country.
I would say that Perfect Legend would have been voted on the show, but he made an ass out of himself by making his "audition" video talking crap about an off comment Mike Ross made, that was obviously joking. It made him look unprofessional, whiney, and dumb. He is only known for his ability in Mortal Kombat, and he talks all this jazz. He may be a champ in MK...but until he can broaden his tournament resume...the community will think he's a scrub
Making an ass of yourself and talking shit about other players SHOULD get you on the show. Who the hell would want a show filled of ultra davids and james chens shaking hands and being friendly? Also don't be a hater. The guy won evo 2011 has had multiple sponsors AND used to be a top DOA player. Telling a WCG 2007 Doa champion and a MK 2011 evolution champion that he needs to broaden his tournament resume just makes you look dumb and ignorant.