Blast From The Past: The Legendary Jang Iksu
Aris ON
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 10:09PM

Let's hope TTT2 lives up to this shit. Big thanks to IMFAMOUSMINDED for the tip.
Let's hope TTT2 lives up to this shit. Big thanks to IMFAMOUSMINDED for the tip.
Reader Comments (46)
I remember when this came out. We were like "THEY'RE ON TV!~!??" lol
HELL YEA!!!! Good shit!
Damn beast!
also this
lets hope TTT2 doesnt live up to this , ewgf spamming all day how entertaining . I want to see variety of moves and all the characters being used at a balanced level , not just mishima's ogres changs every flipping match and also making TTT2 easily accessible for new players
@Tyson, I agree with you man. I hate that TTT was so unbalanced. However, it was definitely the most popular and widely played Tekken game world wide. Let's hope that we can combine the Balance of T6 with the hype of TTT. Also, you are my favorite boxer of all time.
back in this days it looks so boring, it looks like a fighter has 3 moves and thats it. ewgf mid poke and hellsweep boring. i really dont know why this game was so hyped. but i love tekken dont get me wrong i played tekken since t1 and for real since tekken 5. i am really exciting about ttt2
and i love this page aris keep this up :)
Now if only we could get that mofo to stop roller blading...
Whatever scrubs... this shit was off the charts...
awesome match.
EWGF and wavedash monsters.
though TTT's most top tiers were the mishimas ALL OVER AGAIN...
more expectations from TTT2.
awesome match.
EWGF and wavedash monsters.
though TTT's most top tiers were the mishimas ALL OVER AGAIN...
more expectations from TTT2.
You are probably the same guys looking at Street Fighter II matches screaming "boring" at fireball wars. TTT was a game about spacing and control in its purest form. Not about 1 billion different crushmoves and fucking long ass juggles.
Jang Iksu is an absolute legend. I really wonder what happened to him after his rollerblading carreer. This is someone Maxi should investigate about at Green if possible.
TTT2 ain't gonna be the same as TTT gameplay shit
Hype wise...hard to say, but I'm optimistic
If Jang Iksu is coming back to relive the ol' TTT days I think he's in for a nasty surprise...the game is far too different. I have a feeling his comeback will be short lived if he's despised the post TTT Tekken games so much.
What I remember most about TTT was the slightest gap in skill between two players meant the world, for good or ill (imo for good). Jang Iksu was just better than everyone else. That's why he won. The best player doesn't always win in a 2/3 game tournament set in T6 play, at least not in the US.
Flame on.
I gotta agree that Tag was pretty silly with it's Ogres and Mishimas only teams and tag mid electrics. Then again, Mishimas always dominated every Tekken up until 6.
ITTTTTSSS OOOOOVEEEEEER 90000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey aris new challenge system is being introduce in MK9 check this out, IGN reported this
PLEASE let me Mishima's be top tier once again. PLEASE!
TTT2 already has a monstrous backdash judging by the videos... so it seems like it will be even harder to get that lucky hopkick. It seems TTT2 will be more like DR with tag/rage/netsu/bound.
But that guy must be ancient... there's no way he can get competitive again after losing so much experience this past decade.
@ smiths and the devil kaz . errr i like to see diversity in the gameplay and not just 100 electrics over and over again which are safe on block and also special mid , thank god namco raped the mishima's in tekken6 at least now a mishima player has to be actually very skilled in winning and think more . Lets hope tekkentag2 the mishima's either become weaker or stay the same . The tekken 6 system is absolutely great if you have passion for a certain character and put the dedication your character can be a threat amongst any of the cast , whats wrong with the crush system hmm i dont know ... it makes sense you retard and also what are you complaining about tekken 6 combos , Jin in tekken tag did electric laser cannon dash double axe kick twice on you that was round over
If jang iksu does come back for TTT2 he'd probably run out in the arcade in 5mins after realising it takes more then just 1 move to be good in todays tekken and take up golf or something , what a scrub pfft