Avoiding the Puddle Episode 17 featuring QDogg
Aris ON
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 10:33PM

In this episode I catch up with the West Coast's king of style, QDogg. Q and I touch on subjects such as the villains of the Tekken community, TTT2, and his thoughts on the evolution of Yoshimitsu as a character. Before that, MYK and I discuss some of the TTT2 footage shown at AOU as well as our thoughts on MVC3. Enjoy.
If you have any suggestions feel free to leave comments or contact us at aris@avoidingthepuddle.com.
MP3 - 01:22:58 - 76 MB
Reader Comments (32)
I disagree with what you say about "taking it easy" with the criticism on TTT2. The reason why they put a playable build for outsiders in the first place is because they want to hear what people think about it, whether it be bad or good. The earlier people start complaining about disliked features, the earlier they can be fixed and tweaked to suit players' preferances and make it an enjoyable game for as many people as possible. Even Michael Murray at Twitter was openly asking people to give their thoughts on the Tag Assault the day after the AOU show. Reason why Harada is getting pissed is because several people are spamming him with messages to get his answer and are asking irrelevant or previously answered questions, but not because people are giving him negative feedback. I agree it is a huge task and challenge for the company to make TTT2, but still we don't need to start licking their asses; it is their job afterall.
As for the Tag Assault, I really hope it is not going to look retarded in any way in the final version. If it is going to look stupid, it could become one of those factors which would drive back new potential players. I noticed that the people who I knew who were the ones to criticise the look of the feature the most were the people you played the game least seriously, but had some casual gaming experience with previous Tekken games.
What event are we waiting for March 15th?
gotta agree with da Cock man, Aris u gettin soft...u gotta bring it to Harada like u did wit dat record function in practice mode
Yeah it's Namco's first time doin' all this, but Tekken wouldn't be here without the fans so if anything they should be thankful for the passionate criticism
They should also be mature enough to know that fans will react to whatever is given to them in a test build so they know to take criticism into context...no need to baby Namco
Opening up to the community is like the coming of the Internet, u either get in with the times or u get out...Namco isn't doing us a favor they are doing something that is win-win so let's not start riding their dicks too hard once they've given us a few slices
Q Dogg is a real vet. Been waiting for a podcast with someone like Q. Can't wait to see his views on Yoshimitsu, and Yoshi's future. I'm sure he has constructive criticism which could fall on the right ears. Downloading now.
First off... Its down to the TYPE of critiscism which is being leveled at Harada San.
These guys on TZ are moaning about how "Jun looks different and she sould have her old clothes".
This critiscism is a waste of time. Its asethetics. Look what they are doing to Julia. different looks plus new new moves etc. If I dont like what they have done I simply can just move on to my other characters.
Its no big deal.
I think that people are being over critical considering WE have NOT played this game so far. Okay it looks dumb but at the end of the day if it PLAYS well (the bullet time) then we will all be happy.
And at the end of the day. Its not SSF4 AE. EG will be made unbalanced on purpose. Words from Ono himself
Capcoms just sloppy.
Anyways my point is lets just wait and see what they do!!!
End of.
Although I agree that criticizing their product can do nothing but good for both Namco and consumers, I think somebody needs to teach Harada how to deal with the public. He's too nice and too polite. He ought to know that fans, even the spamming fags who bitch about Jun's character model, are not going to be butthurt because he didn't respond to them. If they are, too fucking bad-- they'll have to adapt to the boundary that Harada has created; surely they'll still buy the game.
i want that intro song....damn airs i enjoy all the music you add.....LOL
BlazBlu is in reverse order, the char with the less life, has more mobilty and in those twitchy ass games thats what makes you top tier. WHat aris is saying isnt give namco free reign to fuck up our game, hes saying be glad they showing us and dont take it as gospel, if namco showed us nothing you would have nothing to bitch about. GOOD WORK ARIS keep this shit up you bitch, now im gonna order a t-shirt, any idea what sort of shipping to UK costs wh...IF i win the stick?
Can't wait to get home and eat some popcorn!
The only complaints (about gameplay) that hold weight to Namco will be the ones from people who have PLAYED the game. Bithing about something we know so little about just makes people look like bitches. Trust me when I say, I haven't gone soft. I'm just saving my meter to turn into Dark Aris! Its kind of like a quick draw shoot out. The guy who draws last always wins.
@StraightJacket, Shipping for the stick to the UK looked like it was around $60 or $70 but we will cover $20 of that.
Man.. I miss Joeking and Tekken Salute and discussing Yoshi for hours in #tekken.
Definitely agree with you Q... TTT days was *the* days. Even here in Europe.
Good shit Aris :-)
No mention of how you guys were IN the TRAILER!!?
@Aris But the thing is that most of the complaints regarding the TA are related to its appearance, not gameplay mechanics: the slow-mo animation looks sluggish, the ki charge looks lame and the soundwave thing looks stupid as hell. Most people have nothing against the the technical aspect that it allows the player to connect partner moves into the combo more easily, but it is the presentation that is the problem. Anyone whose seen the footage is just as eligible to make criticism on the aesthetics than a person who has test played the game. The continued attitude of "let's see how they will make it in the final version" beats the whole point of the Namco's new strategy of interacting with the fans to recieve constructive feedback in mid-production. If the Japanese test player at AOU are so far the only ones justified to give feedback, why is Mr. Murray asking for opinions from international players regarding TA?
You can't actually pick 2 of the same character. If you are referring to the video where the guy had 2 Jaycee' s on his screen then you would see that he just has his cursor over the character. The cabinet next to him is the other player and you can see on that screen that he takes his cursor off Jaycee to pick someone else before the video ends with the guy getting in front of the camera.
maybe instead of the blue circle thing, characters can do a pose or mini taunt like in mvc3 or mvc2 kinda except at the beginning of the tag in instead of the end of the tag in?
the ki charge makes the character look like they are taking a piece of shit. them more unique ki charge animations like alisa, dragunov, anna, or watever. no more of this consitpation grunt.
i hope they keep in the same character selection for TTT2, so i can use steve and steve team. TEAM STEVE!! d/b2+2 forever!
Great podcast as usual Aris. You and Myk are without a doubt the voices of the Tekken community!. It's been pretty awesome to see how well this site has grown with amazing content over the last few months. Lot's of dedication and research online too. Thank's again........sincerley yours IMFAMOUSMINDED-NYC
It's great to know that Harada is listening to a lot of people's feedback and suggestions internationally. At the same time I hope Harada knows when to discard stupid/retarded feedback and consider great/smart ideas from players around the world.
It's unfortunate to hear that people are asking for stupid stuff that we shouldn't be giving a shit about. Harada needs the pioritize and listen to the hardcore player's opinion first before listening to the casual players.
When I mean by hardcore players, I'm talking about players who commit into playing the latest Tekken games and has spent a considerable amount of time getting good at the game.
As for casual players, these players don't play Tekken as much or hasn't recently often played the newer Tekkens that much. The kind of players that don't know most of the mechanics in the game. Harada needs to becareful not to take all feedback from these players to seriously.
Jun Kazama looks as sexy as ever and I love her new outfit. I'm pretty positive that a lot of people will agree. I cannot fucking believe people are asking for stuff like wanting her old outfit or voice or w/e stupid stuff they want. People needs to stop spamming Harada and ask for stuff for what really matters.
I honestly can't imagine hardcore Tekken players rooting for Devil Kazuya so much. Correct me if I'm wrong. It's one of the last things I would want on my wish list.
The reason why Devil Jin even exist is so Namco can revive the playstyle that Tekken 3 Jin had.
I cannot recall what any old fighting style Kazuya had. In fact he probably didn't. Kazuya has always been Kazuya, I wouldn't want too many clones for mishimas. People needs to stop asking for Devil Kazuya to be purple however, I think that is a ridiculus request.
It's been 10 years since the first Tekken Tag and it's nice to see them adding so much stuff the game. It probably means something to them and they probably are trying to add as much content and characters as they can.
It's important for them not to screw up though. Tekken 6 BR is the most popular arcade fighting game in Japan and South Korea. People need to remind themselves the biggest reason why it flopped in America is online play and poor practice mode and tutorial.
My own personal feedback though is that......I think
Tekken 6 is incredibly balanced, and it's still a very fun indepth game. I hope Tekken Tag 2 follows the same concept. I hope the developers of Tekken can accomplish that goal for Tekken Tag 2 to be an extremely fun game without actually making it broken. When I mean by broken, broken as in the point where some characters are clearly and obviously better than other characters.
Those that think Broken=Fun, go fuck yourself =/.
Then allow me to correct.
I am 32 years old and have been playing Tekken religiously since tekken 1. Not many can claim that, so I consider myself pretty hardcore. I have put countless hours into games across the franchise. Now...
Devil was one of the better characters in TTT, he was similar to Kazuya, yes but there where major differences. Namco of course ended up cannibalizing his move set for devil Jin. But they still could expand the original devil and make him interesting. Kazuya and the whole devil thing was what made the game story wize unique in the early days compared to other fighting games until it got silly around the Tekken 3/4 era. I would like to see them change original devil to have a more blatantly Mishima style, cause there is still a-lot of Kazama in Devil jin. If ogre and true ogre are going to be in it no reason why devil (and maybe angel) should not be.
But that said, These characters are essentially just facets of Kazuya with the angel being his lost "good" side. So I am actually really satisfied to how namco appear to be dealing with this. Kazuya is known, unlike jin, to be able to change at will yet we have never seen this occur since the original tekken tag game. So it makes sense to just incorporate the devil into kazuya's character. It would be nice to see the complete devil form updated in today's graphics, but I am not too fussed her. So yes some version of Devil Kazuya is very important to me in this game. I am happy with what they seem to be doing even though it is a bit gimmicky.
I agree all the complaints about Jun are retarded, I think she is looking beautiful I just hope they differentiate her significantly from Asuka. I hope harada just sifts through all the crap and takes on board the gameplay stuff that really matters.
Game play wise I am actually a bit disappointed to what I have seen, at least aesthetically. I hope a lot of this changes. The blue circle, ki charge and maybe even to an extent the slow motion doesn't look very good at all, it's really anticlimactic after watching the various trailers.
I am sure they can do better than this to make tag assault work. If entirely necessary keep the bullet time, but get rid of the lame charge animation, white flash and blue circles. This game doesnt need ultra's and shit but it seems their quest for more flash could end up having the opposite effect, and push people away. Shit has to look and feel good....
Also disappointed the actual playable build still appears to be running without any antialising. It looked great in the screenshots but in motion jagged edges everywhere. I honestly would rather wait for the next generation of consoles if we have to put up with another graphics downgrade like what happened with tekken 6 console.
If the game end's up being horrible broken which could be on the cards, I am fine with it as long as namco supports it well into the future, even if that means years of wait for the console and another arcade expansion. I am sick of this release and forget philosophy console developers have these days.
I Can't wait for more information of this game. Iv'e been playing Tekken since Tekken 2 and Iv'e loved this series since then. I have so much respect for the Namco development team and trust in them that they will deliver a balanced quality product with tag 2. Check out that sunlightyellow.com page theres a list of new moves for the characters! very interesting!