EWGF Stream Archive Oct 15th
Aris ON
Friday, October 14, 2011 at 1:34AM

Check out last weeks stream. Please make sure you follow us on twitchTV and please pass the word around. Thanks for the support.!/avoidthepuddle
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Reader Comments (6)
Hype for the stream - probably gonna miss it though.
In unrelated news, how're people feeling about this "Gem system" shit for SFxT?
I thought this was supposed to be Street Fighter, not Power Stone (no disrespect to Power Stone)
g*d damnit. I have work on Saturdays at 6am. WHYYY??
Shaolin berserks storytelling is godlike. Props for kane commentary lol, great stream again!
Man I want to congratulate Aris on making Kane talk by switching the talk over towards TT2. That shit was ROUGH. Keep on pracsce Suiken, you know that making Rip tilt in the end will make it all worth it.
Get Kane on commentary more, it looked like he was starting to loosen up and even enjoy it.
Get me on Commentary one of these days. BTW Where's the replay of this past week's EWGF?