ATP Review of the EightArc Fusion Arcade Stick
Aris ON
Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 2:25PM

My review of the EightArc Fusion arcade stick. If you are interested in more videos like this one please subscribe to our Youtube channel and if you have suggestions for other sticks you would like me to review, feel free to leave them in the comments.
Reader Comments (16)
I like the new Eightarc Fusion,But I want to see a side by side with Qanba Q4RAF sold by And also The Qanba Q3 Wireless for PS3. Thanks. I have a few Arcade Stick like you. I like that Black TE very neat. You can see some of my on
This question is hard to explain but I hope you understand it. How is the bottom where you rest your hands, is there 3 jagged layers like the TE? Or just a flat surface?
@Switch, All the EightArc sticks have a very nice flush feel to them. Very comfortable to play on in that department. Especially the Onyx because of the smooth finish to the case.
Thanks Aris, and thanks for the review.
Support Eightarc! It's a great stick!
dumb question, but what does dual mod mean?
EightArc is the way to go! Major thumbs up!
So Aris is Eightarc paying you to suck there dick? Or are sucking it because like big black sticks?
It means that it works on both XBox 360 and PS3. And when it works on XBox 360, that means it will work as a plug and play on a PC with windows installed.
@Marth, They aren't paying me shit, and I like white ones too.
Aris, you are wrong.
Q4 does not have Sanwa start button.
It is cheap knockoff button that is not sensitive at all.
Heres my stick with all black parts perfect for me since I just got a 360 to go along with my ps3
everyone is real hype about this stick, is it cause some douche from the community is making all the money off of it?
what im saying is aris maybe next time you should try to beat rip instead of jobbing the match
Thanks for the review, Aris.
Hey guys, for anyone having problems with Sanwa start/select buttons registering on older joysticks (Hori, Q4 etc.). A quick effective solution is to put a JLF or Seimitsu ls-32 joystick spring inside the button (between plunger and switch). This way. it takes much more force to engage the switch. Heck, put in a harder spring and it takes even more force. Springs are about a dollar U.S. at Lizardlick or check hardware stores for similar.
bjorgeithn e3d3fd1842
bjorgeithn e3d3fd1842