ATP Review of the SFxT Limited Edition Fight Stick Pro
Aris ON
Sunday, October 16, 2011 at 2:02AM

My opinions on the Mad Catz Limited Edition Fight Stick Pro. Make sure you subscribe to our Youtube channel and if you have any suggestions for future reviews feel free to leave them in the comments.
Reader Comments (18)
Nice review.
You should review these:
Great value for 195$, and quite different from those other boring sanwa sticks.
I'm looking into it.
Digging these reviews. Keep posting and I'll keep watching.
Lotta stick reviews pumping out. Liking it.
Yea I also want to hear your opinion on the Omni sticks, since I'm considering getting one.
It is so lame how Madcatz always says that there are only a few of the sticks left and they are never going to be available again and then they release another one that is almost exactly the same.
The less screws the better. That incline looks super comfy for my big palms. That Helix is so nice. But I heard that that thing is very heavy. I personally would not buy a stick that I would not use to just play.
Good review. Personally really dislike the color and art, but i'm sure its one of the best sticks in terms of durability/usability and general value for money.
Come on, Aris, why are you being such a sellout?? This was nothing but a 12 minute commercial for your friend Markman and his MadCatz sticks! We're not stupid!!
This stick is NOTHING but the same shit in new wrapping. And who gives a fuck about the artwork??? You did say nothing about the parts and stuff, what joyatick and buttons were used. If this is a reveiw, you need to review the stick. Or do you just think everybody automaticly knows it is all sanwa parts?
I am sick of all sanwa sticks with rectangular restrictorgate. Why don't Madcatz make a stick that actually has something diffferent to offer, like bat-top instead of ball-top, or octogonal/ sircular restrictor gate.
Half the people buying these sticks are modding them that way anyway.
I'm agree with Lilleboff when he suggests you review those etokki korean version sticks. And give a proper review. I actually bought that etokki korean version, but they are sold out and they're not having more until desember. That sucks!
The Omni Korean stick is very nice. I got one recently. my only complaint. is the sensitive start, home buttons and the small surface area. The cable could be a bit longer as well with disconnect, but other than that it's a very nice solid feeling build and probably the best korean stick you can get premade. (dual modded too.)
@DrBhup, How can I be a sell out if I'm not being paid. I didn't mention sanwa parts but I will remember to next time. Trust me when I say, Markman and Mad Catz doesn't need me to help them sell sticks. They are doing fine without me, but I am flattered.
Aris didn't kiss no one ass guys, he even says that it looks like a toy but it doesn't feel like one. ( Also that he hates Ryu on the arts ) I own manny Stick and I can say that the Pro stick feels nice on my wrist. I also don't like the square gate and the fact that I will lose my warranty to only change that. But it's what it's. He should mention about the Sawna Buttons and Stick that I agree.
That's why I don't make fucking videos because of a bunch of haters that only knows about complain. Aris keep doing your reviews. If you guys don't like why you even waist time commenting? A heads up to improve his next reviews it's always welcome but to try to put the guy down that are wasting his time to review and try to help out those in the FC isn't cool. Keep up the good work Aris.
@ Bad boy Brazil.
Chill out, dude!
I'm not hating on Aris. HE knows where I'm coming from. I comment regularly on this site and I check it out like everyday. I'm more like a fan than a hater, so don't you judge me!
Everyone has the right to their opinion. Especially me.
Not you I was talking about the other Haters. I was just sharing my opinion too lol isn't that ettoki price comparing with a Fanta stick?
Aris does MadCatz and Eightarc send you a free samples or you purchased them?
I also think that you should do a review of the etokki Omni sticks. I definitely want to get the Korean version.