Kuro Kuro Cup | Japanese Double Elimination Tournament on August 8th
The KUROKURO CUP returns this year and once again it's being hosted by Japan's very own Kuro Kuro. The tournament / party event will be taking place in Akihabara, Japan on the 8th of August so it's a great event to go compete in some Tekken 7 then later getting drunk with all the other players at the bar. For this year, both Knee and Chanel are invited and will be participating in the tournament. Kuro Kuro will be streaming the event on both niconico & Twitch so If you yourself cannot be there, you can at least watch it live. If you do happen to be there in Japan for the event however, Kuro Kuro has set up an English registration page that makes it easy to enter yourself in. For further details on the event, you can consult Kuro Kuro's blog or keep reading below.
KUROKURO-CUP ≫ http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kuro__kuro__