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Entries in soul calibur 6 (104)


Soul Calibur 6 - 2B Battle Director Comment

2B from "NieR:Automata" is the newest character coming to Soul Calibur 6 and we have some details from the Soul Calibur 6 Battle Director (@oosaka_twt) that describes how she's going to fight. Her combat design sounds a bit like Noctis's from Tekken 7 in which they're both recommended as easy beginner characters with simple commands in their movelists. 2B's unique characteristic in SC6 though is she has her Pod 042 assistant that helps her out during battles. You can read more of what she has in store in English down below (Thanks Game Watch for the source.)

Game Watch ≫

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Gallery - Soul Calibur 6 2B Guest Character Reveal Screenshots

Update: Over 100 new screenshots of 2B from Soul Calibur 6 have now been added to this gallery!

The world of Souls and Swords is getting another guest character in 2B from NieR: Automata so here is the accompanying gallery of gameplay images from Soul Calibur 6. She doesn't have a release date yet but, 2B is a playable DLC character that is part of the SC6's season pass and the way she's listed as DLC2 right after Tira is probably our sign that she is probably expected to release sooner rather than later. Like in the game she comes from, 2B fights with a combination of her swords, spear and Pod 042 assistant that allows her to handle all kinds of battle. Once again, the gameplay images can be all found below and here's the link train to the previous batch of Soul Calibur 6 gameplay screenshots:

Sixteenth Batch (Inferno) ≫

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Guest Character 2B From Nier Automata Revealed for Soul Calibur 6

Just revealed during the Paris Games Week live stream over on Bandai Namco's Periscope, 2B from Nier Automata is joining the Soul Calibur 6 cast as a guest character! She's the second DLC character for the game under the Season Pass and she brings a new stage, costume, customization parts and even music to the game. Check her out in the reveal trailer!

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe ≫

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Collection of Character Combat Lessons from Soul Calibur 6

Looking to get a good head start to Soul Calibur 6? Check out the collection of Character guides from Soul Calibur 6's 'Combat Lessons' section which details the basics, middle level and advanced strategies for all 21 characters in the base roster. It's a bit of reading but they're a good resource for quickly getting familiar with the main things to be focusing on when you are deciding on a character to play. You can thank Silent_Joel for capturing the images from the game and getting this out there for everyone to read. If for some reason the archive can't be preserved indefinitely, you can copy the entire online folder to your personal account folder for later reading:

SoulCalibur VI Combat Lessons ≫

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Soul Calibur 6 - Trophy List, Online Match Finder in Training Mode, Alternate Battle Modes and More

SoulCalibur VI is mere days away but news on the features from the game have already been coming out due to early copies and reviewers. The trophy list for SC6 is out in the wilds and while not big on the spoilers (easy plat btw), it details how in-depth the single-player 'Libra of Soul' mode is in the game. Early reports from people that are currently playing say it takes over 10+ hours to complete the mode and that's not including doing everything you can in there. The other stuff for the game include; Alternate Battle modes which you can toggle to make the matches more wacky or disable Ring Outs, the in-game resources, Match Standby in Arcade / Training mode and some more. You can find the trophy list, images and reports from Soul Calibur 6 down below.

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