Soul Calibur 6 - Trophy List, Online Match Finder in Training Mode, Alternate Battle Modes and More

SoulCalibur VI is mere days away but news on the features from the game have already been coming out due to early copies and reviewers. The trophy list for SC6 is out in the wilds and while not big on the spoilers (easy plat btw), it details how in-depth the single-player 'Libra of Soul' mode is in the game. Early reports from people that are currently playing say it takes over 10+ hours to complete the mode and that's not including doing everything you can in there. The other stuff for the game include; Alternate Battle modes which you can toggle to make the matches more wacky or disable Ring Outs, the in-game resources, Match Standby in Arcade / Training mode and some more. You can find the trophy list, images and reports from Soul Calibur 6 down below.
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There's a tutorial mode that you play through early in the Libra of Soul mode that guides you through the controls of the game but you can read more in depth info on the battle system in the 'Combat Lessons' section of Soul Calibur 6.
Images courtesy of Silent Joel:
▌Arcade Mode & Match Standby
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You can use Created Characters in the arcade mode. You can also search for online matches while playing either the arcade mode or the training mode.
Images from Knight_Arti:
▌Alternate Battle Modes
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From the image posted by Knight_Arti:
"Select a battle mode to apply special battle conditions, such as making the floor slippery in Slip Out, increasing knockback in Blow Up, or preventing ring outs in No Ring Outs.
▌Other Reports
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No 'proper' Opening movie for Soul Calibur 6:
Topic: To this day, the opening from the original game in the series, Soul Blade, is still considered one of the finest examples of a game opening. Openings for the rest of the series, we feel they’re now more formulaic, not as stylised or aesthetically pleasing, although that last part we concede is more of a personal opinion. We feel that the original game’s opening was, by comparison, crafted with love.
Okubo: There are lots of reasons that affected the decision in previous titles, so it’s hard to comment on that. Maybe you’re going to be more disappointed because SoulCalibur VI doesn’t have an opening sequence. Of course there is a movie at the beginning of the story, but you don’t have a movie when you first launch the game.
Source ≫
There's some sort of intro which serves as the opening of story mode but not an actual intro unfortunately.
— ДRT3M!X (@Knight_Arti) October 15, 2018
Libra of Soul:
One of my friends (Which has a review version too) say it took him 13 hours to finish Libra of Soul without finishing side quests lol @Flying_Wonkey
— ДRT3M!X (@Knight_Arti) October 14, 2018
Downloading and Creating Custom Characters:
Look at these @Flying_Wonkey😂I'm already fell in love with this game😂
— ДRT3M!X (@Knight_Arti) October 13, 2018
You can download created/customized characters by other users.
Character Select Screen:
OK @Flying_Wonkey Here's what you wanted. With Inferno and Tira, I wonder who are the remaining 2 slots.
— ДRT3M!X (@Knight_Arti) October 13, 2018
PC Version:
— ДRT3M!X (@Knight_Arti) October 12, 2018
Aside from that, The PC version runs pretty smooth. Smoother than T7 imo. With my GTX 950 and on max settings, It's 60 fps fix. This version is really good.
▌SoulCalibur VI - Trophy List
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A New Story of Swords and Souls trophy
Obtain all trophies.
Creating History trophy
Complete the main story of Soul Chronicle.
A Chosen Warrior trophy
Complete one character’s story in Soul Chronicle. (Base-game characters only.)
Their Names Shall Live On trophy
Complete 10 characters’ stories in Soul Chronicle (Base-game characters only.)
A Transcendent Tale trophy
Complete 20 charaters’ stories in Soul Chronicle (Base-game characters only.)
The Stirrings of a Soul trophy
Complete the mission “The Astral Fissure” in Libra of Soul.
The Astral Fissures Beckon trophy
Complete the mission “The Man in Black” in Libra of Soul.
The War for the World Begins trophy
Complete the mission “On the Road” in Libra of Soul.
Entrusted with a Mission trophy
Complete the mission “Death of Glory” in Libra of Soul.
Unleashing the True Sword trophy
Complete the mission “The Journey’s End” in Libra of Soul.
Farewell to a Bleak Winter trophy
Complete the main story of Libra of Soul with the scales tipped towards good.
Warrior’s Respite trophy
Complete the main story of Libra of Soul with the scales tipped towards evil.
The Power of Partnerships trophy
Use a mercenary in Lira of Soul.
Never Fight on an Empty Stomach trophy
Eat some food in Libra of Soul.
Dive into the Fray trophy
Complete one secondary mission in Libra of Soul.
No Misfortune Too Difficult trophy
Complete 10 secondary missions in Libra of Soul.
Interdimensional Warrior trophy
Complete the mission “Footsteps: Fortress of Illusion” in Libra of Soul.
Edge Master trophy
Obtain 50 Weapons in Libra of Soul.
True Edge Master trophy
Obtain 100 Weapons in Libra of Soul.
Power Hungry trophy
Upgrade a weapon in Libra of Soul.
A Swordsmith’s Best Friend trophy
Upgrade weapons 30 times in Libra of Soul.
Local Hero trophy
Raise the level of a town by one in Libra of Soul.
Pioneer of Prosperity trophy
Raise the level of four towns in Libra of Soul to their max.
The Hunters Become the Hunted trophy
Complete 30 “Astral Fissure Sealing” missions in Libra of Soul.
Globetrotter trophy
Travel a total distance equal to three trips around the Earth while exploring in Libra of Soul.
A Body Like Steel trophy
Reach level 50 in Libra of Soul
Master of Style by a Mile trophy
Defeat an Ancient in Libra of Soul.
The Memories of Those Who Came Before trophy
Use Soul Points to unlock 10 entries in the Museum.
Sharp Blade, Sharper Skills trophy
Turn on standby and get matched with another player while in Training Mode.
The First Step on the Path to Greatness trophy
Complete Arcade mode for the first time.
Keep Your Eye on the Gold trophy
Get a gold rating in Arcade mode.
Glory Beckons trophy
Unlock Legendary difficulty in Arcade Mode.
All Journeys Start with a Single Step trophy
Play a ranked match.
No Sweeter Taste than Victory trophy
Win five ranked matches.
The Only Way Is Up trophy
Win five casual matches.
A Hero Is Born trophy
Fight 10 ranked matches online with a character made in Character Creation.
The Battlefield Beckons trophy
Fight 30 battles online.
An Unquenchable Thirst for Battle trophy
Fight 50 battles online.
Untouchable trophy
Achieve 15 perfect victories. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Critically Acclaimed trophy
Land 20 critical edges. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Deadly Precision trophy
Land 10 lethal hits. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Making an Impact trophy
Land 20 guard impacts. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
May the Best Warrior Win (That Is, Me) trophy
Win 30 reversal edge clashes using A, B, or K. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
The Power Within trophy
Perform soul charge techniques 20 times. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Boundary Issues trophy
Knock your opponent out of the ring 20 times. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Breaking the Ice trophy
Stop five guard impacts or reversal edges with a break attack. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Bull in a China Shop trophy
Break all your opponent’s equipment five times. (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Assault and Battery trophy
Land three lethal hits with Astaroth during “Rending Torment.” (Must be outside of Training mode.)
Chasing Shadows trophy
Perform “Steed of the Night” with Grøh 10 times. (Must be outside of Training mode.)

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