Tekken-net Item Kiwami Campaign - New Customizations for T7FR Added

The next set of character item customizations have been revealed by Tekken-Official. A new Tekken-net campaign titled the 'Item Kiwami Campain' (it just means 'Ultimate') will include a new batch of customizations to most of the roster in the arcade version of Tekken 7 Fated Retribution but what's also included this time is a new set of default costume arrangements. You can equip a new style of default costumes to your character to use in-game. The item campaign will run from today (14th of Dec) all the way through to January 18 so this is your chance to get new threads for your characters. You can see a gallery of all the added items on the Tekken-Official site:
Tekken-net Item Kiwami Campaign ≫ http://www.tekken-official.jp/tk7frac/201612sp/