Findings from Noodalls - The New DS4 Pads have more Lag Wired than Wireless

For those who aren't familiar, Noodalls is an old legend that's famous around parts like Tekken Zaibatsu for testing out and figuring the data behind input devices and when they gets processed and displayed on screen. So he's been a pretty resourceful guy and you can look at some of things he's done in the past like getting down complete frame data for the Capoieras in TTT2 and reporting frame data values for Hit Confirms to know he is reliable. His recent input testing finds seems to reveal an odd peculiarity with the new Dualshock 4 Pads that come with the PS4 Slim. It seems that while the pads are wireless, they bring up a better response time in game then the pad communicating to the system with a wired connection & USB settings on. This may be useful info to know if you happen to be a pad player. You can see his extensive result findings as well as YouTube videos that go over his testing methodology over on his Twitter & YouTube.
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