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Entries in noodalls (4)


Input Lag Testing for Soul Calibur 6 Finds Unstable Lag Spikes During Gameplay

The input lag testing results are in, we've got some bad news here. From the testings done by both Noodalls and WydD, they both found that Soul Calibur 6 has on average; around 4 to 5 frames of input lag when playing on the PlayStation 4. That puts SC6 on the laggier side when compared to other fighting games from this generation of consoles. The even bigger finding across both results was an unstable level of fluctuations in between the testing which is leading to quite a notable level of variance in the results. To put that into easier words, Soul Calibur 6 was found to have random input lag spikes during regular gameplay. It's currently being thought that the instability is occurring randomly so hopefully Bandai Namco quickly fixes this issue like how they handled the input lag with Tekken 7. Thanks goes to both Noodalls and WydD for the testing, you can find more info on their set-ups and testing over on their Twitter pages:

Noodalls ≫

WydD ≫

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Tekken 7 Version 1.10 Input Lag Reduction Test Results

And it looks like the patch came through with a notable reduction to the input lag! Both DisplayLag and Noodalls have published their testing on the latest Tekken 7 update and found roughly 2 frames of input lag has been chopped right off compared to testing on earlier versions of the game. This improvement to the gameplay comes after months of coding work by the developers so much thanks goes to them for coming through with improving the player experience. The input lag testing for PS4 have been done and you can find them up on Twitter.

DisplayLag ≫

Noodalls ≫

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Findings from Noodalls - Tekken 7 has less input lag on XB1 than PS4

Well this is a little awkward isn't it? Noodalls tested out the input lag on the Xbox One versions of Tekken 7 and as it turns out, it in fact has less overall input lag than the PlayStation 4 Pro version. In the previous findings, Tekken 7 on the PS4 measured at 120.1 ms (7.2 frames) with the PS4 Pro matching that. On the Xbox One version of Tekken 7 however, the game was measured to have 104.2ms (6.2 frames) so that is a 1 frame difference between the two consoles. This marks an unusual precedent since historically Tekken games have always been played on the PlayStation versions competitively. Do tournaments now use the XB1 version? Or is everyone content on playing on the PS4? Once again, big thanks goes to Noodalls for the findings, added below is the YouTube video he recently put up testing the two versions.

Noodalls ≫

SRK Thread ≫

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Findings from Noodalls - Tekken 7 Input Lag Averages at 7.2 Frames

For comparison sake, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on PS3 measured at 95.1ms (5.7 frames) for input lag compared to recently tested Tekken 7 which was found at 120.1ms (7.2 frames). Big thanks goes to Noodalls for testing the frames out and posting them on his twitter,  I laid out the tweets with his findings below. If you're interested in further fighting game input lag data or Noodall's methodology, you can check out his thread over on SRK's forum.

Noodalls ≫

SRK Thread ≫

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