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Entries in green arcade (11)


New South Korea's Green Arcade Stream Locations

EDIT: I've replaced the Twitch TV embed to a more reliable and better Twitch TV channel. Ignore the awkwardly named "Timeslicer7" stream and check out the new Twitch channel.

Looks like one of the premier places for extraodinary Tekken play has started to branch out to international viewers. Originally, Green Arcade usually streamed on the Daum service which although great, was frustratingly difficult to view outside of Korea due to the nature of the stream and Daum's server locations. Thankfully we have new efforts on Twitch and Youtube that looks to bring the stream to everyone in a much more accessible way. It still seems like they're experimenting with these new streaming services however but still, the effort is very much so appreciated. You can find the new stream locations below.

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