How to beat Akuma's Fireballs in Tekken 7 Fated Retribution

Tekken-Official just put up a page that focuses on options of dealing with Akuma's fireballs. Akuma is a new inclusion from the game hailing from the Street Fighter series and he brings an interesting dynamic to the core Tekken experience. As such, he pretty much retains a lot of things from his SF4 incarnation but of course balanced in the Tekken world. Jumping in either directions or sidestepping in T7FR will avoid you getting hit by his Hadoukens and each Tekken character has been given moves that have properties that beat out the fireball. There's a list of each Tekken character's attack with this property on the site but I have it translated below for those who have trouble reading it.
Akuma's Fireballs ≫