Namco Bandai Holdings to Close Down 20 Japanese Game Centers

Namco Bandai Holdings. company president Shukuo Ishikawa revealed yesterday that 20 Namco owned, Japanese Game Centers (Arcades) are to be closed down by the end of March due to unprofitability. This comes to a 10% cut reduction to the amount of Namco owned game center facilities which is said to be at 225 at the end of last year. It's mentioned that the reduction in the average young person in Japan using cars and the upcoming April consumption tax increase for Japan will lead to an estimated 1 billion yen cost increase to the company year over year. Additionally, Namco have adjusted their March 2014 consolidated balance sheet with a downward revision from 29 Billion yen to 25.5 Billion yen due to the loss of these stores. Sales of 485 billion yen and an operating profit of 45 billion yen remains however.