Japan Fighting Game Publishers Roundtable featuring Harada and Okubo on August 1

A Roundtable discussion stream featuring leading Japanese fighting game figures and producers is now scheduled for the 1st of August. Staff from Arc System Works, Arika, SNK, Capcom, Koei Tecmo and Bandai Namco will come together to discuss the latest happenings in the community and their games. Katsuhiro Harada and Motohiro Okubo are both confirmed for attendence and are said to present the latest news on both the Tekken and SoulCalibur series during the broadcast. The stream is planned to go live next Saturday with an early start of 9AM Japan time.
Japan Fighting Game Publishers Roundtable ≫ https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20200727034/
YouTube tekkenchannel Stream ≫ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09KT7pEVKk8
▌Japan Fighting Game Publishers Roundtable
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