Soul Calibur 6 Gameplay & Info Round Up from E3 2018 Sunday

The first day of E3 has now come to pass and we have some glimpses into the new build of Soul Calibur 6 that the producer Motohiro Okubo brought over. Okubo did a few quick rounds of interviews with the usual gaming media while showcasing all the newer characters, stages and system changes within the build. Interview archives with IGN, Twitch and YouTube gaming are now up so check it all out if you happen to miss it live. I've gone ahead and picked out some of the more interesting findings in the new build in case you need a TL;DW.
▌Geoff Keighley Interview with Motohiro Okubo
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▌IGN's Geralt Gameplay Reveal
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(Link to the video if embed doesn't load)
▌E3 on Twitch - SoulCalibur VI
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The segment begins at 6 hours and 46 minutes into the archive:
▌Soul Calibur 6 Round Up
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Motohiro Okubo interview notes:
- Soul Calibur 6 is releasing this year denouncing any delay rumours. The release date is being revealed later on during E3.
- Geralt is the only guest character that will be on the disc. He makes an appearance in the game's storyline. 'Stay tuned' on the potential of other guest characters post launch.
- Groh is not the only new character in the game.
Updated Character Select Screen:
Updated Select Screen:
Xianghua build comparison:
Master Swordsman's Cave: Azure Horizon
Replica Kaer Morhen stage
Ostrheinsburg Castle: Hall of the Chosen
Indian Port: Impending Storm
Silk Road Ruin (?)
Green Hill stage (?)
Just Guard mechanic?
— Crna Ruka (@crna_ruka) June 10, 2018

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