Tekken 7 FR Update Ver.T Adds More Customs & Stages to the Arcades

The arcade version of Tekken 7 Fated Retribution is getting a new update come this April, the Tekken-Official website announces. T7FR Version T07 will be arriving in arcades in Japan and Korea on April 3rd at 7:00 AM and is said to be adding more stages and customizations into the game. Considering the notice of the update is simply brief and not very detailed, I think it's fair to think that this update is adding the remainder of the stages that are in the console version of Tekken 7 but not yet in the arcades. So I'm speculating that maybe stages like the night version of the Helipad, Brimstone and Fire and the Precipice of Fate could perhaps make their way to the arcades. T7FR Update Ver. T is said to include customization additions as well as overall game stability updates so there is that to look forward to if you happen to have access to the arcade game. You can check out the update notice for T7FR over on the Tekken-Official website.
T7FR Version T Notice ≫ http://www.tekken-official.jp/news/?p=8036
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