EVO Japan to Feature Playable Soul Calibur VI & SCV Side Tournament

The SoulCalibur & Tekken 7 Producer Motohiro Okubo made an appearance during the Eastern Japanese online qualifiers for their national Tekken 7 tournament and relayed some news for Soul Calibur fans going to EVO Japan. The first of which is that Bandai Namco are planning to have playable builds of Soul Calibur 6 for people to try out at the event and it marks the first time the public will be given access to the new game. It wasn't disclosed what build the game will be (If it is still the Mitsurugi/Sophita build for instance) but more details about the playable SC6 demo is said to be coming at a later date. Next bit of news was bringing up that Evo Japan is having a side tournament for Soul Calibur V, the previous SC game on the PS3 & X360. Registration for that side tournament are now open so sign-up if you happen to be over there. EVO Japan marks a small resurgence of Soul Calibur activity so perhaps we might even see some new news or announcements about the series made at the event. If you want to check out the VOD for the announcement segment, you can find it below. EVO Japan is taking place in Akihabara, Japan on January 26th-28th, 2018.
Tekken 7 East Japan Online Qualifier VOD ≫ https://www.twitch.tv/videos/216162452
▌Soul Calibur @ EVO Japan
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EVO Japan segment is at around the 6 hour and 40 minute mark.
▌Soul Calibur V Side Tournament
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If interested in participating, you can sign-up for the SCV side tournament via the Google Doc link in the announcement tweet: (Look for the link in the Twitlonger)
配信内でも公開されました、SOULCALIBUR V SINGLE side tournament in EVO japanの告知用ポスターの画像はこちらになります。
— アラハバキ (@arahabaki_info) January 7, 2018
イベントの詳細の確認やエントリーはこちらのリンクから!https://t.co/RW9UrINss1 #evojapan2018 #SC5 pic.twitter.com/eeHhIS38KR

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