AK Acquires New Sponsorship, Might Go to EVO Depending on SEA Major Performance

Alexandre “AK” Laverez - the so called 'child Tekken prodigy' that you may remember after getting 3rd in last year's Global Championships has recently gotten sponsored by the SMM Philippines Multimedia company. With this sponsorship, he's gotten a free, all-expenses-paid trip to SEA Major 2014 which is being held in Singapore on the 20th of June which is roughly a month away. Depending on how he performs in that tournament, the sponsorship announcement teases that AK may also earn himself a trip to EVO 2014 in Las Vegas potentially adding to the international competition that are said to be attending EVO such as AO (JP), Chikurin (JP) & BooK (TH). You can read the SMM Philippines sponsorship acquisition announcement over on the GamesInAsia website.
Source ▶ http://www.gamesinasia.com/filipino-tekken-prodigy-ak-heads-to-sea-major-2014-with-smm-sponsorship/

Reader Comments (6)
Someone needs to pull the kid to the side though and teach him how to smile. Just sayin'
motherfucker needs to start a kickstarter to send it ass, i know i would contribute just to see him whoop ass on some more koreans
motherfucker needs to start a kickstarter to send it ass, i know i would contribute just to see him whoop ass on some more koreans
This kind is underrated, after seeing the Global's I know his playstyle is very random (for eg. the CH flipkicks) and effective against skilled players.
His smile bugs me though; not sure if thats how he actually smiles, or trying to smile.
That is the smile of a stone cold killa' . Go get'em kid