Cell Phone Videos of Green Arcade Tekken 7 Location Test
Saturday, December 13, 2014 at 2:09PM

Youtube user G Manu has started uploading minute youtube videos of people at Green Arcade playing Tekken 7. Lots of notable players were in attendence including Knee and Saint. Videos after the jump.
Reader Comments (33)
Wooow! They're not hating it..! They actually seem quite mesmerized! Ok, now I'm officially hyped!! Fuck the haters!
Man, I should've been born in Korea. Koreans always have all the fun. #JEALOUS
Gameplay seems slower.
I am so underwhelmed! I never thought the day would come when I'd say IM SO OVER TEKKEN!!! It's all good, though. All good things must come to an end. I'm okay with that... Have fun peeps.
This looks like T6 with improved graphics lol! Oh, and those rage arts seems pretty much useless even as a desperation move. This game will be dead on arrival you can count on it! Everyone who disagrees is a huge, fucking PRICK!
7th video, almost Hwoarang's RA... T^T
I'm fucking pumped tho, 2015 will be a great year for PS4 and fighting games!
America unfiortunely doesnt like tekken anymore , we can see that over hype onto americans forums where everybody disses tekken over stupid rants wich doesnt make any slight sense
Gladly the rest of the world still loves tekken and will probably gladly welcome tekken 7
Lets hope it will sell good
It's the best fighter out there.
@cunty McCunt----> Its a good thing we have internet arent we? Do you know the one who upload that vid is a filipino? He even says to saint to greet the Philippine fans out there. Lets just get this straight. The world isnt europe and the US, the US and europe isnt the world. Tekken is far the most popular fighting game in the world, second is king of fighters. The constant complaining and whining of the west will only make Namco pull out the game from these countries. Namco didnt owe the west anything.
@starman---> And thats a bad thing? Quite a hypocrite statement right there even though when I seen a SFIV matches it turned out to be a turtle fest. A human eye cant react on reaction on whatever TTT2 pulled especially on its some low moves. Thats the reason why tekken popularity is declining. Namco pandering with the west almost ruin the franchise.
@airman4----> The west are just entitled and dont know the culture of video games in other countries. They still think frames and above human level reaction and hand eye coordination is the gameplay of tekken. They didnt realized that the laws are bad because of it. The amount of practice and dedication just to execute one stance, DSS the reason why most pro gamers and even veteran tekken players give up on laws. DSS isnt tekken, BDC isnt tekken, wavedashing and EWGF isnt tekken, cancelling isnt tekken and bounds isnt tekken. Tekken is more than that
this is so biased. The website I mean. Not rip, aris or anyone here but the moderators. Why my other post didnt show up? I can even see that post shows up every time I will create a message. And the website didnt tell me why it shouldnt show up. It just stays there.
sorry fro the last post. I carried away there. These posts are too old school though, why not just copy reddit? Youtube comments sucks. These post structure are too outdated. Why cant I edit my posts?
@t3k4evo I didnt say if its bad. I think its fine. I play Revolution, and prefer it to Tag, so I think T7 will be fun. The only problem I see is costumes but I have faith that the final product will be good. Namco makes solid products. Also as a next gen game Namco should have redone some animations too really make the game have some visual pop.
We don't have any reasonable arcades here in Germany, so can anybody explain just what exactly is this causing background noise?
@starman----> Its quite too late now doesnt it? Eventhubs already made a article of your post and now mortal kombat and street fighter fanboys comes out on the woodwork. Heres some posts:
Watching the SF5 stage demo last night really drove home just how underwhelming everything about T7 is...Namco please.
I gotta agree
seeing what Mortal Kombat is doing and Street Fighter makes Tekken 7 look really boring. Its one of my most beloved fighting series, Ive been playing these games since I was old enough to hold a controller. But I gotta say it Tekken 7 is shaping up to be a terrible entry into the series.
- Rage Arts: a copy and paste of Super Attacks that have been given to us for no reason other than to be "Flashy" there isn't any need for this Soul Calibur didn't need it and neither did Tekken.
- The new mechanics: Why oh why?! You have taken out mechanics like the bound that rewarded players who knew there characters strings and attacks in favour of a invincible attack? Knowledge < Cheap Play apparently with this instalment.
- These new characters: Jesus these new characters are so foreign to Tekken that it hurts or they are shameless mixes of existing characters. Catarina is basically Christie X Miguel, Claudio looks like a reject from Soul Calibur or King of Fighters and Lucky Chloe looks like a Dead or Alive character? Where is my Tekken characters!?
In general why did you combine these mechanics for a main numbered Tekken title when you have the god damn frame work for Tekken X Street Fighter here. The crazy Invincible Attacks and the Rage Arts are totally made for TXSF so why here?
oh oh let me get this one, let me get this one...
I've heard hundreds of individual accounts across several Tekken sites ALL say this game is disappointing. Lucky Chloe is the straw that broke the camels back. And yet I haven't heard a SINGLE competitive Tekken fan say "oh wow, that looks cool" to ANYTHING (anything! how bad do you have to be at your job to make that possible? Being Japanese and inbred helps but wow what a failure...)
In short.
The TEKKEN COMMUNITY wishes the creators to be more....creative. We ask a lot I know.
SF5 looked amazing, I know it made damn near EVERY competitive Tekken fan worldwide groan in jealousy and frustration.
With what MKX and now SFV has brought in the table in terms of graphic difference and aesthetic execution... the least NamcoBandai could do now is to overhaul the UI coz that's the only thing to me that's making Tekken 7 look dated and making it look like a Tekken 6/TT2 offshoot or whatnot.
I know they cannot do anything no more with the models, that's just gonna be way more work.
this is a good response:
Yeah, look at all those loke test players (including KNEE) gnashing their teeth and shaking their fists in the air at Harada for making such an embarrassment of a game.
Wait...they aren't...they're - actually playing the game and giving it a chance before dumping on it? My, what a novel concept! Cry more.
Heres some more:
Tekken fans don't want this game to fail and their scene get even smaller.
Seriously, Soul Calibur, KOF, Injustice and Mortal Kombat, Smash for F-CKS SAKE even Skullgirls get more competitive exposure in the west than Tekken. When KOF is more popular competitively than Tekken......something is wrong.
How can you routinely IGNORE everyone and everything around you?
Knee is a certified professional gamer for Tekken, he will play the game regardless of how good/great it is he's what's referred to as a 'lifer'. He had similar reactions for TTT2 location tests while the majority of the competitive Korean scene LEFT.
With each successive "comment" displaying an embarrassingly lack of awareness I'd prefer if you'd ask questions to fill your holes rather than pretend knowledge of a community and competitive scene.
So what's your question?
Just look at what we've done. Do you really think the constant complaining and whining really helps the situation and the community? Now what? We will let the community be like the smash community before 2013? I dont know. This is a fact, but the tekken series is more popular besides in the west on consoles than in the arcades. Even knee is having a hard time finding opponents on his stream because people are waiting for tekken 7. And T7 being in arcades for a long time before console release like aris said is ridiculous. The console version of T5 didnt affect sales of arcade version of it at least here. I can even see arcade cabinets of T5 DR on our local arcades. Everyone should watch tekken invades tokyo to make a full view of the tekken scene.
t3k4evo, chill out bro!! You are getting annoying! Stop bashing us westerners for having the balls to have an opinion. You keep comparing us to Japan/Korea in terms of what we accept and settle for... Asian kids will play just about anything competitively as long as there is some sort of strategy and skill involved. We're not gonna play any ol' thing thrown our way, sorry. If we're not feeling it for whatever reasons we're entitled to, then it's our prerogative! If we chose not to play the game because it just isn't fun to us anymore, or that it's just becoming too much of a 'clusterfuck' of all sorts of shenanigans, it's our right bro...
And kindly hop off Knee's dick. He doesn't need you advocating for him and for how he truly feels inside. You don't know what he was really hoping for with the next installment of Tekken. His golden days was the T5DR era, that's when he really shined. After T6 came out, the game mechanics wasn't exactly in his favor as it was in the previous game. You don't know how he genuinely felt about the new system and general design of the new game(s). You're just another fanboy cheerleading from the sideline hoping to have a fraction of the skills he has, because he's what? Asian.. (I don't mean that in a racist way). The dude is a God at the game, but come on.. that's what they do -- become beasts at fighting games!!!
So stop trying to compare them with us. They'll play and accept anything without too much voicing their opinion because they will play anything that involves some skill and strategy. It could be happy dancing fruits with bunny ears dressed in cute animal outfits, and they'll think it's cute and have no problem with it -- as long as there's some strategy involved where they can play competitively. Asians will play anything competitively, and that's basically my point.
So if you want their opinions to be your moral compass in life, by all means follow them. If you one day grow a pair, then try having your own opinion. It's nice to like things for your own reasons and not because other people think it's 'fun'.
No offense to anyone!
I could have worded things a little differently, but who has time to go back and proofread? "Not I", said the cat.
And btw, learn how to use quotation marks when you're quoting someone.. Your last post looks like an entry from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...
If Tekken is not popular in America that is going to be a huge blow to Tekken's popularity. I believe the popularity of Tekken dropped financially from T6 to TTT2, mainly because the Tag feature just confused things. At least in T6 the Americans were much more competitive against the Koreans and Japanese. In TTT2 a lot of the top Americans players their skills eroded and none of them were replaced. There was hardly any new players who stepped up. There was some, but not enough to show that the Tekken Scene in America is getting better.
@J1N----> Before I begin, I just want to post that Im sorry for the posts lately. Im not used to this kind of format then, I wont getting used to this now. So sorry if everyone read that post. But I doubt most people here read that. But since we're in discussion here:
If you really want to know what knee feel about tekken after T5 DR why not ask him? Koreans are good to communicate with, I mean even aris ask JDCR about it. He(JDCR) dont feel good about it. You can watch it on ATP live 40 if you want to. But hey that article on this website only have 5 comments, and one of them from starman saying:
"Aris, you need to have questions ready when you talk to someone like JDCR. Otherwise its a missed opportunity. So tekken is going down in popularity in Korea aswell. Is it time for a reboot? I personally think a viable training mode that offers advanced level tactics would help. Also wish they would have released something this year, being the 20th anniversary and all."
Its not the training mode starman. You all know why tekken is dying over the world. Even JDCR explained it in detail. The ranks and the cards, the characters, the movements, the 100+ moves, the knowledge just to to get to beginner level, etc... Just like cunty mcccunt posted. But I really doubt the west wont listen because like what J1n posted; "So stop trying to compare them with us. They'll play and accept anything without too much voicing their opinion because they will play anything that involves some skill and strategy. It could be happy dancing fruits with bunny ears dressed in cute animal outfits, and they'll think it's cute and have no problem with it -- as long as there's some strategy involved where they can play competitively. Asians will play anything competitively, and that's basically my point." Yeah. If thats the case why need for power crush and rage arts? Nerfing the oki and bounds?
For one thing, Im a filipino. Im not advocating him. In fact, koreans and japanese are our rivals. I even think before that the tekken scene ruined and dying because of them. With there korean BDC, juggles, above average reaction and frames if not for ATP live 40. Do you all know that the 1st international tekken tournament held here in the Philippines in 2008? It held in trinoma and a filipino actually win 1st prize. Philippines is also the first country outside of japan that released T6 BR arcade cabinets. Harada even says in a interview that its his first time that people treat him like a rockstar. Thats why theres a legit reason why we feel salty about this. Just like JDCR says on ATP live, the arcade scene is dying over there. Its on its last breath here. King of fighters here is dead, dead. Supposed to be the second most popular fighting games after tekken... never seen any opponent online, even its free on PS plus.
But then, the japanese wont make lightly of T7. Theyre the competitive ones its on there culture. I wont be surprised if jimmy j tram says in the next ATP live bad things to say on T7. Thats according to the japanese tekken players he talked with. Which means more misinformation about the tekken scene and reinforcing the elitists mentality.
Tekken revolution is easy to play. That is why they are using it as a model for Tekken 7. Invincibles/armor moves lower the complexity of tekken. This is a viable strategy. You maintain complexity while allowing beginners to compete. Its a good middle ground, a compromise. Would a total reboot with movelists reduced to 30 moves per character work? Yeah.. It is a casual market in the west. And 500,000k says casual rules. I.e. Capcom cup.
It would have been simple to create the next entry in this series.
1) Updated character models and looks. There needs to be at least some drastic design changes like TTT Jin to T4 Jin.
2) Updated animations even for old moves. Tekken 6 did this...why stop now?
3) NEW MOVES. There are practically NO new moves in this No new moves, no new animations, no new do you expect anyone to get excited? They need to cut down on the number of characters but focus that time towards beefing up the characters they choose to keep. Otherwise, there will be no learning curve and the game will stagnate right off the shelf.
4) New mechanics that make sense. Why is there no wall tech for low wall splats? The game needs this so badly. The power crush is okay I suppose, but it's not nearly enough.
5) If they are going to put in Supers, they need to incorporate a rage meter. Having Supers activate only near death kills the management aspect that makes the mechanic interesting. It also makes them entirely predictable to the point people will avoid using them outright, especially when a safe launcher will do the same damage or more.
This game has rush written all over it. They basically lifted TTT2 and threw it onto a new engine completely cold. Watching these videos, it looks like everybody can just play exactly the same as the previous game and get the same results.
Well said. I agree 100%. The lack of new animation looks stagnant. And the point on meter management is very intelligent. You can see it already, at the end of the round, players are just waiting for the super to miss.