Winter Assembly 2014 | Finland's TTT2 Tournament Held On Feb 1st

UPDATE: Found the stream URL and brackets for the tournament! Check the post for the links.
Finland's largest Tekken tournament of the year is almost here - Assembly Winter 2014 will be the stage for the latest, fourth international Tekken tournament in Finland's capital of Helsinki. Over 70 entrants from different parts of Europe as well as JDCR will all be battling it out on stage for the 2,500 € prize pool that will be split up for the top 3 placers. The event will be streamed however I haven't gotten the stream URL so check back soon as I'll be sure to update this post once I get it. Full details of the tournament as well as participant list is added below.
▌Tournament Type
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- Console: Playstation 3
- Groups (round robin) + Double Elimination
- Groupstage Best of 3 games, double elimination Best of 5 games.
- 128 player limit
▌Live Stream + Brackets
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The tournament will be streamed at
Follow groups and bracket in real time at
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- 1,250 €
- 750 €
- 500 €
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- Rounds: 3
- Timelimit: 80
- Random Stage
- Personal controllers are allowed, but macros and turbos are not.
- If you lose a game, you can change characters and choose another random stage.
- Winner has to select the same characters.
- Solo-mode is allowed.
- You are not allowed to use Combot-character.
- Customised characters are not allowed.
- Pausing the game will result in an automatic forfeit of the round.
▌Contestants (77/128)
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Source ▶
Additional Tournament Info ▶

Reader Comments (10)
Will be an awesome tournament, I see lots of great players in the lineup. For you USA headz who don't have much knowledge about other parts of the world this is an opportunity to see the outside world. Here's Killerdoll beating JDCR in a MM for instance - might be a salty runback?!?!
No American or Japanese players. Probably because the US and Japanese economy is so fucked up, they can't afford the inflated costs of plane costs; .
Where the hell is Asim and Rikimaru??? Still freiking STACKED tournament regardless. Great post again FWonkey!
Not because of economies.
It's more like that Tekken is not a popular "e-sport" so to say since the community does not stand behind the game like the Street Fighter community stands behind theirs.
If nobody watches Tekken, you will not get anyone to sponsor you, since sponsors want to advertise their shit to a broad audience.
If you guys want to see Tekken players travel internationally, support your scene, promote the game among your friends and sign up and show up for tournaments even if you suck.
If there was a strong community behind the game, we would see people being able to live off practicing and competing in Tekken.
They should just call this "JDCR vs Europe"
this looks great haven't seen Killerdoll in TTT2 yet, can't wait to see this one!
Tmm is lucky he doesnt face JDCR in the first round
The tournament stream:
What a fucking disappointing tournament.
Was looking forward to see JDCR whoop ass all day, but no getting a stream set up was too hard it seems.
It seems TMM and rip learned about being humble and a sport and not being arrogant and cocky all the time(sarcasm). But then I doubt that and they will say there loss is there fault. And they excuse they didnt execute the right moves, knowing the frames more, practice more on movement, not know the right punish, etc... And they will blame there "poor performance" because of online gaming and tekken revolution. And they will harass and bully players that only wants to learn the game. Shaming those players for the public to see on YT.
This is the reason why the mainstream just cant take e-sports and competitive gaming in general seriously. Its just a game. Why even basketball have casual mode that works perfectly( shooting rings on the arcade and basketball booth on carnivals) and video games dont?