Rumor: New Namco Arcade System 478 to be Made, Title featured is Tekken 7?

Tekken titles are normally developed on specialized arcade boards that are based on PlayStation hardware, Tekken Tag 2 for example is developed for System 369. And if this new information that was recently put out onto the internet is to be believed, it seems like Tekken 7 is soon to follow this tradition. According to a 2ch post, a new Namco Bandai Arcade system titled "System 478," (based on PS4 hardware perhaps?) is soon to be made and features several games for exhibition such as Tekken 7 & a new game in the Gundam VS series. Since I haven't received any official word from Namco about this yet, I'll put this under rumor. You can see the original source below.
・THE IDOLM@STER(仮)(サテライト筐体+メインモニター)
Via Inatekken.
Reader Comments (13)
I'm quite sure this means a new Tekken game is coming to System 478.....not exactly Tekken 7.
It can be Tekken 7, but I'm guessing it will be TxSF instead.
TxSF was planned to be released on PS3 & Xbox 360...and I think in one of the interviews Katsuhiro Harada & Michael Murray mentioned they weren't planning to release TxSF on the arcades. I can only remember vaguely on what they said.
BUT, in more recent interviews & tweets IIRC, Harada-san said they had made a different plan for TxSF....and couldn't reveal much information about it......
Btw I wonder how the new hardware can contribute to the survival of arcades.......Vita and PS4 are looking to be helping the new indie game developers. I can only hope new innovations and features from system 478 will help arcade owners sustain their businesses.
20th anniversary?? Holy Shit! Fuck Tekken, I need to find a wife before i die!
To be honest I'm not even ready for a new Tekken. But I am very pleased to see this even if it is a rumor. 20 years! Seem's like yesterday when I first saw that Tekken 2 Arcade cabinet in the mall. Damn I'm getting old lol.
If the name of the board really is "478", then it is most likely to be PS4 hardware based board. So I doubt that it is for TxSF. Most likely next gen Tekken or Gundam.
But then again, it's 2ch post, it has as much credibility as a random 4chan post.
Will this be previewed at the Tokyo Game Show?
Dat 2ch source
I bet that they will show SOMETHING Tekken related (but not Resolute) on TGS.
It's probably gonna be TxSF, since they haven't cancelled it. I want Tekken 7 more though!
i thought kazuyas and heihachis silhouettes for the 20th anniversary image looked like birds looking up. whats up with those wings?
I hope those Angel wings means she's coming back, but I really doubt it
As long as there is none of that Jin X Xaioyu love story bullshit, I'm cool with Tekken 7, Tekken has never been a stupid girly-ass anime love story, it was about a game that involved various fighters from all over the world fighting for either money or personal ambitions, now that Jin is apparently dead which I hope he is, Heihachi better have his Zaibatsu again.
Tekken needs to go back to it's core roots.
Hope that Forest Law makes a return in t7..about time he made an appearance canon to the series & would also be badass if there were still 2 Laws.
PS4 hardware = PC hardware
Namco doesn't even need to get authorization from Sony, they can just use a regular PC.
yeahh namco doesn't have to get authorization from sony but given ALL other tekken arcade games ran on playstations it's pretty likely the same will be said about T7