Namco Bandai releases TTT2 Global Championship U.S. Qualifier Details

Namco unveiled the details regarding their U.S. Qualifier for the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Global Championship event. The qualifier is going down in Round 1 arcade in SoCal on August 17-18 while the finals will take place in South Korea on September 28, 2013. More details below.
August 17: Pool Play; Signups start at 12 pm; Tournament begins at 1 PM
August 18: Top 16
Round 1 Puente Hills
1600 S Azusa Ave, Ste 285
City of Industry, CA 91748
Entry: $5 Venue fee; $20 entry fee
Solo Mode is banned
Character Lock
Double Elimination
Pool Play will be 2/3 matches
Top 16 and on will be 3/5
Arcade cab only
70/20/10 split
1st place winner will receive a trip to Korea for the finals on September 28th
In the scenario the 1st placer is unable to travel, the trip will go to the next placing competitior capable of travelling
Other Prizes including TTT2 Stickers, Special Bana Passport Cards, T-shirts, Dogi outifit, and more to be annnounced.
Reader Comments (10)
Global championship right? That means US vs Japan vs Korea vs The UK, vs Singapore, etc?
Another "US" qualifier that is only for SoCal players. Why am I not surprised.
I am already tired of reminding how clearly dead it will be and how Tekken is dead because
Lili is nerfed so I attempt to make myself more constructive.
What about a 3-man team vs team character-locked, unique-entry tourney? That is,
each team uses 6 character, but no repeated characters are allowed. Eg if says Aris uses
Heihachi/Drag then the other members cannot choose Heihachi and Drag even as
their mains, and no exceptions. To a further step add a Tier-balanced rule, likes only one
member is allowed to use top Tier characters, one to use middle Tier and one bottom Tier.
@ wm4
Please just shut up! What the fuck are you even talking about??
Your whole rant is wrong. How do you even determine 'top tiers'? Didn't Bronson just show us at EVO that tiers don't matter? He came to grand finals beating Nin with True Ogre!
Also, Tekken is dead because 'Lili is nerfed'?? What are you, the biggest fucking retard on the planet? How has Lili been nerfed? Because her 27 frames sweep doen't combo on normal hit? Anyone halfdecent could block that 99% of the times! It has been sped up to 25 frames and combos on counterhit, and that is how it should be.
Other than that she has mainly been buffed. She has an amazing 13 frame punisher with probably the longest range in the game! She has good ws-punishers and she has good oki and wall-stuff, and she has extremely good 2 hit and 3 hit TA fillers.
While I won't give a full argument to allow the Namco Nazi to rise a flame war,
but I found that when talking about Lili, you people always like using the tactic
that fill the topics with 100 spam posts, all which focus on her db+4 sweep, and try to
shift the eyeballs away from other aspects that Namco have never made to improve
And I'm done here, so feel free to spam your 100 posts as you want to.
wm4 wow troll noob
Just check cost of plane tickets, it's going to cost over $500 to fly there from anywhere in the East. With such short notice it's impossible for anyone from the South or East to come to this :/
Not sure who is trolling the hardest; wm4 or ztz
Wow man, I remember when Namco hosted the TTT1 regionals and global back in... 99 I think. In addition to other countries, USA had at least 5 regionals. Of course, there was the arcade scene then, but that's no excuse for this.
Cheap ass Namco taking the cheap route. It's like they DGAF about Tekken anymore. Half-assin it all the way home.
wm4 fuck off.....