SC LS - Game Delayed to 2014, Astaroth, Pyrrha & Nightmare Revealed

Fans of the upcoming free-to-play Soul Calibur: Lost Swords game will be in for a longer wait, seeing as Namco Bandai have announced that the game is being delayed and will be releasing in 2014. The reasons cited for this announcement was that Namco Bandai wanted longer development time for the game to help improve overall game quality. It's not all grim news however as Namco have also revealed 3 upcoming fighters for the title. Astaroth, Phyrra & Nightmare will be included in the game's roster and there's some new screenshots & videos of them below.
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Ace Combat Infinity and Soulcalibur: Lost Swords, two free-to-play Namco Bandai titles coming to PlayStation 3 via PlayStation 3, have been delayed from their planned 2013 launch dates to 2014, the company announced.
The reason, according to Namco Bandai, is to provide a better quality product.
❖ Astaroth
❖ Pyrrha
❖ Nightmare
Reader Comments (4)
Ugh God Pyrrha whhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyy
You have Sophitia back so why
These articles about character reveals are getting annoying. Who gives a fucking shit? Of course Nightmare will be in Soul Calibur
Why Pyrrha I don't get it either
There's nothing grim at all about this news. It at least gives me some hope, however small, that the "overall game quality" improvement they're talking about will be online multiplayer (with something hopefully better than the garbage SC2HD netcode).
Seriously, what's the point of a fighting game if all you can fight is the AI?