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ATP Live! Episode 20 - Technical Difficulties 

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Reader Comments (7)

Saying that the tag mechanics hamper combocreativity and that you could be more creative with combos in T6 was absolutely silly (new highlight of tekkenbash Thursdays) and you can just read the reactions in the chat. Reasons to adapt in TT2:

1) Characters with different netsu alliances make you adapt combos. Don't tag assault and mishimateams will basically never have rage due to hate relationship. Same goes for taggable launchers to wallcombos for instance where depending on the team you're facing you can do over 110 dmg and still get a forced wall situation with no tagcrash involved.
2) Forced wakeup situations ending with slams where the opponents tagcrash will easily be sidestepped.
3) Tag assaults that flip the opponent make for interesting wakeups with FD oki. And lots of these weren't possibly before (doesn't matter how much recovery that move has as your point character is the one following up the combo). Doing setups instead of maxdamage isn't silly as you say - it's a tournament winner. The health per character is lower than t6 / ever (165) and launchers hurt more than ever so launch > setup = kill more than ever before.
4) A million and one tagcrash baits at the walls with tag assault. Adapting wall ender for damage or to be able to sidestep the tagcrash. And since there are so many team options in this tag game there is a very real possibility your opponent hasn't seen your setup or has any knowledge about it unlike a singleplayer game like T6 where everyone on a tournament level had knowledge of the wall setups that could be applied.
5) In lots of teams you have an option of what actual tagassault filler your secondary character will do that varies the situation happening. Depending on which of your characters have rage (point or secondary) your max combo might have actually changed a second ago. Looking on your opponents lifebar should also make you change your combo. If you can do a 5 point less combo that doesn't give your opponent rage or tagcrash and it's not a kill situation you should adapt.
6) Lots of great players never tag assault of their first combo period which leads to solo combos. You yourself have criticized Rip for doing this lots of times (and a lot of times the extra damage as opposed to giving people netsu and tagcrash option is a very advanced judgementcall based on a ton of factors).
7) Adapting your combo based on how much redlife you have since you loose that when you tagassault. Doing a tagassault looing 40-50 points of redlife that could be healed isn't great. Also adapting due to time left in the round is legit.

TL;DR: Having an awarness of how to enforce actual kill situation in a game with tag mechanics and how to work around and enhance your netsu situation in a game which has netsu for an unlimited time is more important than ever. In TT2 there isn't a single player who still isn't exploring different combooptions with his team for damage and adaptions. That is a testimate to how flexible and varied the combosystem is - not the opposite. Fuck going back to dashjab tekkencombos.

Saturday, October 12, 2013 at 4:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterReality

I wanna suck your dick so bad.

Monday, October 14, 2013 at 12:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterDr. Bhup

I'm a good and well-read girl so not without a dinner and a movie you won't.

Monday, October 14, 2013 at 1:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterReality


Monday, October 14, 2013 at 6:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterTEKKNLOVER

Dr. Bhup and Reality, north-south position confirmed.

Monday, October 14, 2013 at 11:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterQeruberosu

He's too girlie - never really had a shot, Besides, it's obvious he didn't write the post (obvious troll is obvious) and I prefer reach arounds. Even better with scented candles and to the sound of crying babies; bring your own sandpaper. North-south is to faggy.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 1:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterReality

Good JOB Reality. I agree fuck dash jab combo's

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 10:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterJFJ

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