TTT2: 2v2 Tournament Footage From A-Cho Game Center
Wonkey ON
Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 8:47AM

The A-Cho Game Center located within Kyoto, Japan recently held a small 2v2 tournament within their arcade. Luckily for those that can't attend, you get over an hour's worth of footage uploaded onto Youtube to watch the outcome. Check it out below.
Summary and Results page can be found here and thanks goes to @acho_kyoto for the headsup.
Reader Comments (2)
I haven't seen many posts based on it, probably because the channel uploads like 2~3 videos a day but has a great channel with TONS of recent Korean footage like a 2 and a half hour set of Hao vs Knee, or an hour of Only Practice vs Qudans and he uploads videos like this daily! Just thought I'd put that out there though considering how much content he releases I'm sure you already know about it Rris (BionicBunion)
Good matches, great quality Tekken.