Tekken Busters Season 1 is Finally Here!
Aris ON
Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 11:35AM

It's finally here! Season one of the new Korean Tekken show, "Tekken Busters" is under way and luckily, wogasu has uploaded the entire first episode which is over two hours long! Did I mention they have Buster Girls? Say goodbye to those shitty white lawn chairs. Now they are grey.
[Tip by Sanity]
Reader Comments (29)
Oh shit the season started already? Anyone know where they're taping this? I was planning to go to a recording this summer but it looks different from the tekken crash studio.
Can't wait to check this out after work. And Buster Girls too? I might have to do some bustin' myself.
we need lil jon openings @ ewgfridays.
Sometimes life is too good! Tekken busters is here already and the 'buster girls' are really hot!
I even got to see some Lili action from no other that Gura, probably worlds best Lili.
These guys are treated like fucking rockstars over there..., -as they should!!
Man, the South-Koreans are so lucky!
WTF is up with the music?? Why change from metal to this??
So they can have a fat Korean DJ as the host.
That DJ is sooooooooooooo kewl! (╯°□°)╯ "Getu readuh ladies and gen-gen-gentl men!" WUB WUB WUB WUB dubstep
Those girls are so happy to be around him dancu'h! \(^o^)/ "Suuuugoy!" I don't think they even got paid!
im glad nin doesnt have to where the little school boy outfit anymore
hankuma you douche :)
@Reality shout outs for blowing up this Korean program by using Japanese.
Fat Asian DJs are always the best.
Oh shi-- I'll probably get banned from the show now jon(?!!). Definitely never get that Korean citizenship as the dogs will catch me at the border for writing a word wrong in the commentator-field of a news-post. Now if only I had sat down, took my hand of my extremely large penis (you wouldn't know the hard work that comes with maintenance of such a majestic tool as you're asian jonsf), and REALLY thought through a response that was more appropriate, proof-read, and so on I wouldn't be in all heaps of problems for using wrong language in a commentator field of a news post by the gay japanese police. Thanks for the help but I'm a bit disspointed you missed me spelling 'cool' as 'kewl' also but it's nice to have a fan and I know it must be pressing for you taking time off from sucking Galo's cock and being and never being able to be anything in SFxT. Get of your high horse fatty.
what happened Reality? you used to be funny. seems like youre trying too hard.
Is that Sherry at 28:30? PogChamp
I don't like the black korean dj too much. But the show looks really good as always. Also I don't like the rap music, I think rock suits the show better.
2 hours? My body is ready.
And a shoutout from Aris. My life's goal is fulfilled.
Nice. I really love the logo. i haven't started watching it yet so i don't know what their logo is, but i think they should just adapt the one you've made here, because that clearly can't be beat
I'm so fucking pissed right now. It's not available in my country because of UMG. -_-
*sigh*Watching via proxy is stupid...
@Reality lol wat? I respect some troll I don't know googling me. you get my info from friendster or something?
and also shout outs to azns and whatever is. GG
Can someone explain what's so overpowered about solo characters? Also, do you know if there are plans to fix them before console release?