VF5FS: Fight Replays Show Incredibly Detailed Information
Aris ON
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 10:23AM

As the weeks go by, more and more people talk about VF5 Final Showdown. So much so that it has become hard to ignore the game even if you try. Below is a video that I think all 3D fighting game fans should watch. It is a replay with a very interesting feature turned on. This replay shows frame data, damage, properties and much more. Imagine if all the Tekken replays we watched had this type of information. Hopefully in the future, Tekken games will adopt this inovative way of showing replays.
[Via iPUNCHu]
Reader Comments (19)
That looks really damn good, letting you know how many frames you are +/- is amazing for people new to the game.
Nice find.
Yeah, I hope this feature makes it into the console version. The other thing that's really cool is that the training mode also shows the frame data for each move. What would be amazing is if there was some way to display that during streams.
tekken with that kind of replay system? sounds like a dream...
I thought this was an actual announcement instead of just a tease for an old video when I saw this on Twitter. I do hope this feature makes it into the console version of VF. If not, then give me the ability to at least save and upload replays to YouTube since the PS3 has that functionality.
And I hope that all of the talk people are doing translates into people playing the game offline.
Apparently it is confirmed for the console version. You can see screenshots of replays with the frame data and input displays on the official website:
Great to know.
It's been a while, but didn't Harada and Murray mention that for whatever reason they have no intent of releasing frame data for players on the podcast that they were on? It's a shame.
I know quite a few people have tweeted Harada about having in-game frame data / record function for TTT2 (myself included). Doesn't really seem to be a big concern for them unfortunately, but I would love to be pleasantly surprised.
btw I cannot wait for VF5FS!
So I just went through a translation of the VF site and it confirmed the feature that I was looking for which is saving replays of online play to upload and can switch between showing the input display or the frame data on the replay as well. All we need now is a price and a release date. My wallet is ready.
game doesn't impress me, VF series never has. that feature would be nice to have though for ttt2
Good to see that they are bringing this over from the arcades. Hopefully DOA5 at the least releases their frame data as well.
It's like most developers... want to keep players in the darkness, they want to promote ignorance. I don't understand.
Hopefully this can become a trend. Something as integral as frames shouldn't be secret.
I'm sure that the point for witholding this information in the past wasn't to promote ignorance. On the contrary. Having players discover what is +f and what is -f themselves seems to be reasonable and understandable. It's like discovering/developing Tekken juggles and oki games -- all part of discovery.
I've always been torn between whether or not devs should publicly release frame data. Gamers have gotten more casual and lazy, and would probably have to have their hands held throughout the whole learning stage. But then again, it kills that discovery aspect. Games would just be laid out for anyone pick up and play. And if there's no discovery, then the game will be figured out quickly and become stale. Could lead to shorter life cycle for the game.
The problem with virtua fighter is that it looks absolutely atrocious if not played at a very high level which is a problem as it's not eye pleasing. And there are maybe 10 players in the US that actually is/have been on that level during the VF4/VF5 era. VF's problem is aesthetics and that Sega and the community is blind towards it. Music, SFX's, Hitboxes (how impacts look), Levels, bland characters and so on is the main problem. You should note also that not everyone is happy with VF:S in it's current state and many probably wish they could have played VF:R for instance instead (and that's not just casual players). You easily forget that though when you get into the game itself cause it just feels so incredibly rewarding. Here's a game where the game really looks pleasing in my opinion (Lei-fei's hitthrow @2.18 is so much win):
All in all it is a GREAT game cause it's really logical to get into. People say it's hard to play, it's not if you're an analytical fighting-game player at all. It's very easy to pick up. What takes time to learn is something like a tree-branch of options you have in situations that you just expand on over and over but you always understand why you lost and what you should have done instead. You simply are forced to mix up your gameplay due to for instance that sabakis are a much bigger part of the gameplay then in Tekken otherwise you will get downloaded and raped doing the same few moves over and over. Meanwhile in Tekken, the more you play it the LESS moves you use (imo) cause you realize that certain moves are simply to good. If a standard df1 was to exist in VF with similar stats people would scream. Also; you don't need to learn for instance backdash cancelling in VF and the execution on most things isn't that bad (the main execution is in defense actually not offense, I'd say that Tekkens execution is more demanding). In Tekken you have to know so many little details and, pretty much, illogical things in the matchup you're playing before you even start playing it correctly and that problem (?) isn't really there in VF.
It's very gratifying as a game playing cause you make more active choices all the time in defense and offense and you can punish everything greatly on a big read so it just feels extremely rewarding doing the right guesses against your opponent - much more then in other fighting games. And you also do them more frequently and faster. You also can't "hide" in the games playingfield (backdashing like crazy or chickenguarding in a 2d trying to run the clock). The game is played really upclose for the most part and if you're just standing there doing nothing a 0frame throw will fuck you up for big damage. It's much more rewarding mind games in that respect and it simply can't be explained you just have to feel it. It's all about reading your opponent over and over nothing else really matters. I really hope people give it an honest shot. But I guess when people would rather play Capcom vs Kelloggs than KOF13 we're pretty much fucked in general at this point.
P.S; Look for a big announcement regarding VF the day the game drops on PSN/XBL (can't say the date sorry)
Btw I LOVE this wallthrow that Goh has (it's nice that characters have half-wall throws in general in the game AND wallthrows):
I agree with the comment above ten fold! I'm one of the few players that loves both Tekken & VF, but I was lucky enough to have a friend from overseas(Japan) get me into Virtua Fighter. Tekken has instant gratification at the entry level because of the flash and over the top canned animations which make it easy to see the opponents attack patterns at the beginning before you understand the little details like frames or proper movement. VF on the other hand overwhelms you with on the fly options and complicated technical inputs that it can be very frustrating to understand at the start. VF is really about understanding the little nuances,so you need a very hyper keen eye to tell whats happening and how to respond to it. Both games a very complicated, but VF is more rewarding over time and lots of practice. I play Tekken more now because of the competition in the U.S.A.. If I had to pick what I'd rather play it would easily be Virtua Fighter, but that not only comes down to taste, but do I have the time to get into a game if there is no scene for it? Hopefully VF:FS picks up a good scene before Tekken Tag 2 is released. I'm super stoked for both games though.
Ive known that this game did show frame data in Practice mode and was already amazed...
but in replays? - holy crap
getting that into tekken would be so awesome
I use to love to play VF. But after VF3 i literally could only find one other person to play against. so, virtua fighter has been on the back burners for me for quit some time now. hopefully this will change with the release of FS.
This is too good! It will never be implemented in Tekken. Harada has in the past said they are not interested in releasing the framedata.
Also, VF is just way too complex to enjoy. We want to play a videogame and have fun, not do tedious chore to learn to play a game that is too deep and difficult. Fuck that! Most people are not willing to invest too much time learning games. Tekken is complex enough!
Frame data!! Cool.
Weird.. when ya look at VF5 and then T6 you realize how well the voices are made in the game o.o all i picture from here is Super Smash's Capt Falcon's voice over "Show me your moves" lol