Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 AOU Trailer
Aris ON
Friday, February 17, 2012 at 1:24PM

It looks like you will now be able to play 1v1 or 1v2. They have also added several new tag throws and I assume new moves and balance changes will be available as well. Looking forward to seeing what else they changed.
Reader Comments (29)
So you can play 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2 or 2 vs 2. That is interesting! Greatly changes dynamics of the game. Isn't 1 vs 1 basically Tekken 7?
I'm wondering when playing 1 vs 2, does the character who is alone have 'bigger' lifebar?
If only the commercial narrator was the in-game announcer, with the same "shouting into a toilet inside of a small bathroom-echo" effect.
Any word on if the game package will be a network update of TTT2 or a stand-alone kit?
I read that it'sfree so I would assume it's a network update. Using a single character is... cool... I guess? I disagree with people who claim that this makes the game 'easier' to learn. Learning how to deal with -all- the other characters is much more information to retain than learning your own characters. In fact, those who exclusively play one character will limit their initimate knowledge of matchups to 1 rather than 2.
Still looking forward to the updates for myself, just not expecting to see an influx of new players because of it.
hmmmm... but 1 vs whatever does make the game easier. everything that was introduce in TTT2 can pretty much be opt out of now.
super tekken unlimited tag 2 turbo revivial remix accent core shift arcade edition version 2012
The thing is that EITHER playing with 2 characters or 1 will be superior. Now I hope 1 is trash cause if 1 character happens to be superior nobody serious will play tag and disadvantage themselves and then they might as well take 'tag' out of the title. I have a really hard time imagining how they will balance 1 vs 2 (no tagcrash for instance).
If adding 1 vs 1 becomes the standard for this game in tournaments, you can pretty much say that there is absolutely no reason to play Tekken 6 now.
2 Mishimas are better than 1 Mishima. Of this i'm certain.
I think 1 vs 2 is a nice addition and not only the player playing 1 against 2 will stick to the safe moves instead of throwing random shit and stuff, that strategy alone can help moderate and advanced tekken players to achieve a new skill set and strategy.
DrBhup, no, game is basically Tekken 6.
Namco sure listen to complaints from Japanese and Korean novice arcade players!
This system will definately make entry level easier for beginners, which will attract lots of new players.
let's hope tag mechanics and gameplay are adjusted as top players wanted.
Maybe Tag 2 Unlimited can be succesful as T6:BR!
I will sum up overall complaints from arcade players and operators in Japan and Korea.
Novice players
- TTT2 entry level is too hard for beginners.
(Reason why Tekken 6 BR was so succesful in Asian arcade and brought many new players were the gameplay, which was easy to understand and to play for beginners.)
- Tag Assault is difficult and make strong players only better.
- Good players are now impossible to beat.
Top players opinion from Japan and Korea
+ Skill gap has gone wider(example. red rank players have no chance against pro players unlike in BR)
- Minimal change in gameplay(Top players prefer DR gameplay)
- launch oriented/friendly game and gameplay feels like 6.0
- Mindgame almost non existent and Okizeme gone because of Tag Crash
- Not many newcomers and gameplay is hard for beginners
- Matches take very long(match time doubled from BR) + bad income
- Boycott affected TTT2 popularity and cabinet price is high(for Korea)
2 players vs 2 players is the best mode. It is just awesome that four people can play at the same time
@ Seo Joon: I never considered the implications for novice players. You are right, I could pair up with a newcomer and help them to master the game. This takes me way back to a time when I had a friend play Street Fighter 2: World Warrior with me. I played a round, then he played the next round. We took turns. Sometimes I would say or he would say that I/he wanted the next round too and that was OK too. But, nothing is stopping that from happening in Tekken 6 BR as it is. I see good Koreans playing Tag 2 with both of their characters with no problems whatsoever in pulling off long, devastating combos with both characters using Tag Crash. So why would I ever want someone else on board, mucking up my combos whan I know I am fully capable of performing them all myself?
eh whatever..... unless gameplay and movement is drastically sped up, why the hell would I play 1v1..... It's basically Tekken 6 BR version 2. -____-
None of the shown changes are even that cool, i hope theres some gameplay changes for the better.
@Seo joon: Very informative post, and I agree with most of those critiques. +rep
Regarding art direction: As I've stated on this site before, Namco needs a better grasp of the social implications of their art direction and marketing. Using the names of some of their releases, I'll give three, very simple examples of why Namco needs a fucking clue.
"Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion". The words "Tekken 6" are not problematic. Gamers know the name "Tekken" and can deduce that it's the sixth installment of the game; however, it fails to draw interest. The words "Bloodline Rebellion" do not create a tangible image of what Tekken is for consumers, nor do they have any significance in meaning for the majority of western audiences. The words imply difficulties within the contexts of a family, which the Japanese or other closely knit cultures can easily comprehend, but since western audiences largely favor friendships or solitude over familial obligations, and find their conflicts in such, the words lose opportunity at creating significant impact. More, the words assume that existing players know and care for Tekken's story line, which is generally not the case. For new players, the words do not do a very good job of representing Tekken's gameplay; this can be seen easily as players refer to "bloodline rebellion" as "BR", which isn't very helpful for spreading the actual name of the game as it creates confusion and misunderstanding.
"Tekken Hybrid". A hybrid of what? New consumers--and I believe that's what Namco wanted from this release-- would first have to have a better idea about the constitution of Tekken in general before they'd be able to deduce what the fuck merged to make Tekken hybrid. Other than implying that the game contains two things, it fails to create some spreadable impact among consumers. "Hey, did you hear about Tekken Hybrid?" "Nah, what's that?" "It's a Tekken Tag 2 demo with a DVD of an animated Tekken CGI movie, with a ...[etcetcetc]. "I haven't heard of any of those products individually, but they sound cool." "Thanks!" Yeah. Conversations based around trying to popularize this release have been a little off, at least for me.
"Tekken Unlimited: Tag Tournament Two" What the hell is this? Again, this title really doesn't consider social implications. I assume that Namco wants to draw new consumers, but how the hell can new consumers, in having not played tekken previously, know the implications of a Tekken game that is "unlimited" where they first are largely unaware or appreciative of Tekken's 'limits' to begin with? I could go on and on and on, but holy fuck, this is bad marketing. And yes, Art direction and marketing, to me, are synonymous in effect.
Simply, if you can't be creative enough to draw people in with a clever hook, at least brand the game for what it is and how it's spoken of, such as "Tekken Tag 2". Or, if you're like Capcom and seem to fall upon success by accident, just name your fucking games in manners that describe the gameplay.
"Street Fighter 2" The second installment of a game where people fight outside, sweet.
"Street Fighter 2: Turbo" The second installment of a game where people fight outside, only faster, sweet.
"Street Fighter 3: Third Strike" The third installment of a game where people fight outside. It's the third one, and this time it strikes, which is pretty clever since it makes up the basis of the games' play.
"Street Fighter 4" Fourth installment of the game where people fight outside, sweet.
"Super Street Fighter 4" Fourth installment of the game where people fight outside, but only better because this time it's super. Awesome.
Yes, I already do this sort of stuff for work, so I'm not just barging out of my ass, here. I love Tekken and just want to do my part to best promote the game so that there will be more people to play with. Shit, get me in contact with Harada and I'll set all this shit straight.
Seriously, of all the problems that tekken has, i am sure the name of the game is at the bottom of most people's lists. And the japanese tend to use extravagant names, and that is a cultural thing. Nitpicking on a foreigners engrish seems pointless. Just fix the netcode, and ship it out already, the tekken 6 engine is past its expiry date.
what about pair play?? our TTT2 cabinets have been updated to allow pair play, Will this update still support pair play?
@starman: I'm not picking on any foreigner's English; there are no ethics or morality in good business. Simply, I'm trying to help the makers of my favorite game make money in a foreign market that their actions suggest they don't understand.
I agree with you that the name being more 'international' would create more business. But then, even the manga style nature of the game, with devil genes and fighting animals is heavy in the japanese culture. Extending your argument, perhaps tekken would sell even more if those elements were removed aswell. But then it would no longer be tekken. I just hope that namco can incorporate a good netcode, and for the love of god, leave in the command record feature. Those two elements would make ttt2 something special.