TTT2: Digital Download Versions Confirmed For PS3 & X360
Wonkey ON
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:52PM

AAK, your dream came true. According to the latest update to the Tekken-Official site, the digital download versions of TTT2 will arrive on PSN at November 13th while The X360 version is slated for the 25th of December. They are both to be priced at 7200 yen and the PS3 version weighs in at whopping 18gb, slightly more then the Wii U version of the game.
Reader Comments (8)
Best thumbnail yet. Take that Bryan!!
All I need is a PC version. Already have it for those two platforms.
Despite I already have a physical copy of the game, I will be more than happy to download this sucker from PSN for sure!
18 gb + about 8 gb installation..hmmmm
Now just somehow need to find a way to get all my pre-order content valid for both versions.
why would you need an additional 8gb installation is the WHOLE GAME is already installed...fool
Just about time. 2 months after release.
Would having the whole game in my system get rid of load time? Or just very significantly less?