Evo2K11 Tekken 6 Results and Vids

I have to say that this was easily the most boring Tekken 6 top 8 I have ever seen. It's very unfortunate that it panned out the way it did because people were saying T6 is just like T4 with Jin. In top 8, we had 4 Bobs and 2 Laws. The only other characters used were Bryan and Kazuya and both Naps and Hart lost fairly fast. Not a good sign for the Tekken 6 scene if you ask me.
1. Kor (Bob)
2. NYC Fab (Bob/Miguel)
3. Rip (Law)
4. JustFrameJames (Law)
5. Crow (Bob)
5. Mr. Naps (Bryan)
7. Tokido (Bob)
7. Ryan Hart (Kazuya)
For those of you asking why I wasn't on commentary for Tekken 6 at Evo. I was scheduled to do commentary up untill Saturday when filthierich decided he wanted to do it with MarkMan instead of me. It worked out nicely though because T6 top 8 was boring as fuck.
Reader Comments (46)
I agree with Andy that T6 is just a boring game anyway. IMO VF really is the best and most fun 3d fighting series out there but it's time has probably gone.
TTT2 should at the very least look like a more interesting spectacle with all the tag shenanigans and whatsmore Namco supported the event and added to the prize fund.
hell yeah glad to see i wasn't the only one thinking this shit was boring, I mean Kor won with chops and jab strings WTF
T6 is nowhere near boring. Watch real good players matches, not scrubby americans.
Honestly, I've never been more unhappy to be a part of American tekken.
A boring finals. We could be pulling people into the scene, and y'all just want an easy f*cking path to victory. If you want to pick easy characters, F*CKING SHOW US SOMETHING NEW! These characters are beatable, but no one wants to practice. At least JFJ innovates the pants off of law.
It's a stupid fucking joke.
It's not 'whatever it takes to win'. It's a lack of love for the game. By all parties involved, the winners and the losers of EVO. I'm a fucking dick for posting this, not having participated myself. So here we all are: dicks.
Tekken 6 is not a boring game. It's a wonderful game played by lazy people.
@ loldongs you and me are gonna have a problem about the way evo turned out I can feel it. Are you honestly telling me that that shit I watched @ EVO is what I should expect high level play to be you definatly have old man syndrome from TTT because top level play does not consist of just TOP TIER FAGGOT ASS characters it's about mind game, strategy, Mental stability and working hard to use every tool of your character to get that win to get money, but no you want that easy win,that 2 pokes then BDC like a bitch orge shit right. You were happy to see the same old chop chop in back to back matches with BOB weren't dude its players like you that make me sick to say I'm an american player. shout out to Ryan Hart for rocking with KAZ and shout out to every1 who doesn't play a top tier.
Man I was sitting next to a bunch of Marvel Players as I was capping the Tekken Finals - those fuckers were proper yawning and complaining about how shit they were to watch. This only really seemed to happen when a Bob appeared though.
On the plane trip back to Heathrow, Ryan and I spoke about his Kaz performance and I had to point out his lack of Bob knowledge which he quite quickly agreed on. There were quite a few chances that he could have punished and applied pressure, but he just hasn't been playing enough.
I was behind Ryan and James for those finals, so sorry you two's never made it all the way, it would have been pretty exiting.
Bob's d+1 "HEY!" crowd chant was the highlight...fuck I started laughing. too good
Still - props to Kor for winning none the less. Ex-South African power I guess. lol
Oh and LingMassacre - nice meeting you in London, so glad our flight times got timed together like that - I'm still salty about losing those matches though. lol
You should be in Stockholm atm - internet is a basic human right there, cool.