Evo2K11 Tekken 6 Results and Vids

I have to say that this was easily the most boring Tekken 6 top 8 I have ever seen. It's very unfortunate that it panned out the way it did because people were saying T6 is just like T4 with Jin. In top 8, we had 4 Bobs and 2 Laws. The only other characters used were Bryan and Kazuya and both Naps and Hart lost fairly fast. Not a good sign for the Tekken 6 scene if you ask me.
1. Kor (Bob)
2. NYC Fab (Bob/Miguel)
3. Rip (Law)
4. JustFrameJames (Law)
5. Crow (Bob)
5. Mr. Naps (Bryan)
7. Tokido (Bob)
7. Ryan Hart (Kazuya)
For those of you asking why I wasn't on commentary for Tekken 6 at Evo. I was scheduled to do commentary up untill Saturday when filthierich decided he wanted to do it with MarkMan instead of me. It worked out nicely though because T6 top 8 was boring as fuck.
Reader Comments (46)
I really don't see the foul, here. It was boring, sure, but really, who is to blame?
I watched EVO mostly for T6....man, that shit was so boring.
Highlights were definitely the announcements from Harada and the SC producer and 5on5 TTT2 Exhibition.
I also liked the 3rd Strike Online Exhibition.
Look at all these scrubs complaining about boredom, lack of character variety and what not. Welcome to high level tournament play, enjoy your stay or get out.
for me the problem was more the commentary. i think markman and filthie do amazing work for the community, but they aren't the best commentators. all they said the whole time was "this is gonna take em to the wall" and "seven golden letters!" (as if a perfect in t6 is of any significance whatsoever lol). such a shame because they're both very knowledgeable players. needed someone like slips, qdogg or aris commentating. hell even subt-L does alright imo. these guys know how to communicate what the players are doing/thinking without just repeating what everyone is already seeing on-screen
The problem for me was not that the finals were boring, necessarily, but rather that T6 is a boring game period. It's the weakest game in the series after 4. As Slips said in the old podcast, it's just go for launcher, get launcher, three hits, bound, three hits. That only changes when you're near a wall. It's a boring game.
Tag 2 has multiple health bars and what looks like meter/netsu management, and that looks fucking awesome. I was opposed to the idea at first, but it's going to make Tekken a deeper game, and that's what it really needs. The question is: what are they going to do to make Tekken x SF and Tekken 7 interesting?
Shoutouts to Bob...
This Tekken 6 display was really stagnant(at EVO? C'mon...). I think ppl do focus too much on tiers and frame data and forget that skill is still a big factor as well as showmanship. But, since this was a high stake tourney, ppl do what they gotta do to win(even if its the most repetitive boring ball of crap). Kind of reminds me of the Kung Lao wanking in MK a while back(its getting better variety now). Much respect to Byan, Kazuya and even Law players in top 8. Shows that the bandwagon is not that alluring...
On another note, imagine if it was down to 2 BOBs for the final? Or 2 Laws? LOL Now that would have been much more pitiful. *Sigh* Tekken 6 why have we forsaken thee...
Not as bad as two years of t4 jin and 2 years of t5 steve, but still bad. Props to the players, but you cannot deny that it was boring.
I felt bad enough skipping T6 finals after getting bored of Bob after Bob until Kaz in loser's bracket, but after seeing the characters present in those results...I felt worse about my assumptions being right. Watching GM get eliminated the other day didn't help, either. On the bright side, Aris did commentary at least, I liked seeing Ryan Hart reach top 8 with Fab and Rip, and glad enough that T6 was even on the program. Could even be its last appearance, for that matter. Overall, I'll take the finals for what it is, but no one can deny that familiarity tends to breed contempt. Right, Bob and Law?
"hell even subt-L does alright imo. "
sheeeeiiitttt... my commentary at its best can be described as "listenable".
To be honest the commentary sort of sucked and Markman sometimes struggles with knowledge of the game.
@andy,first off filthie rich is a sponsored,and professional tekken player and markman works for mad catz and has done many of these high tekken events,both of them get paid to know the game front to back.Plus they both just love the game anyway.
I think you meant to respond to someone else, lol.
@prototek you really shouldn't be correcting people when youre actually spreading a bunch of misinformation. FilthieRich is NOT a sponsored professional Tekken player. He is a Namco employee, the community manager.
Technically speaking, neither of them get paid to know Tekken 6 front to back.
Rich gets paid to manage Bandai Namco's community (including Pacman, Dark Souls, Ace Combat etc) and Markman gets paid to design/promote hardware like fightsticks for Street Fighter, WWE All Stars, etc.
'markman works for mad catz' = how does part of your argument apply at all? Because MadCatz makes what for Tekken? There are plenty of better reasons why Mark should be on commentary.
Of course both of these guys have been in the scene for a long time and have tons of love for Tekken. I'm just bothered that you're correcting people with misinformation at the same time.
Never seen so many d+1's in my life. I fell asleep during the T6 finals and missed the TTT2 exhibition.
Everybody is over reacting to these results. Not only has this game run its course in the states, but there is way too many other popular fighting games for T6 to attract exciting new blood and new "technology". Furthermore, Aris would probably agree that the results are not an indicator of the games balance. There are probably a dozen jap and korean players that don't play bob and law that would've made top 8 at Evo. Though, i would agree that Bob and Law are way to easy to play but they are not broke by any means. Everybody needs to relax,, everything will be fine when TT2 comes out :) Oh and I love when people use the word "fun" when talking about fighting games lol i know i didn't have fun watching the wolverine and phoenix nonsense marathon that was MVC3, but everybody ate that Mahvel BS hype up lol
with the arcade scene dying out in USA, I do not see how TTT2 will help. Especially since it will not be on the console for a while yet.
Tekken will probably be dropped in favour of another game. Sure there were more tekken players at EVO, but this is EVO. You see all sorts of characters being used in Mastercup in Japan. Watch Tekken Crash and you might be forgiven for thinking they are playing a different version or something.
The problem is localised.
Hmm, whats with all the D-pads in this tournament. I thought high level play was to be executed on an arcade stick??Button binding is allowed also??? Pfffffft so much for keeping it real...This is 1 reason why the arcade scene is (T)6feet under in the U.S. Anyone else see my point??
I found it quite hilarious how both Markman and Filthie made plenty of mistakes commentating.Thanks to the Law and Bob repeats, ,they forgot who was actually playing on screen. RiP??Justframe?Fab?Kor? LOL Everyone pretty much played the same too. Yes, i see the D-pads dude, where da sticks at? ZZZZzzzzz